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Heterogeneous Graph Attention Networks for Scheduling in Cloud Manufacturing and Logistics
In press

Fomin D., Ilya Makarov, Voronina M. et al.

IEEE Access. 2024. Vol. 12. P. 196195-196206.

Book chapter
Inventory Management Under Dependent Demand in the Conditions of Risk

Lukinskiy V., Lukinsky V., Bazhina D. et al.

In bk.: Selected Papers from the 23rd International Multidisciplinary Conference on Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication: Digital Twins - From Development to Application, RelStat-2023, October 19-21, 2023, Riga, Latvia. Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication, LNNS, volume 913. Vol. 913. Cham: Springer, 2024. P. 269-277.


194100 Saint Petersburg,
3 Kantemirovskaya Street, Room 303

Department Head Valery Lukinskiy

"Prospects in the ice" - the newspaper "Kommersant" published an expert opinion of prof. V.S. Lukinskiy about the possibilities of the Northern Sea Route

"Prospects in the ice" - the newspaper "Kommersant" published an expert opinion of prof. V.S. Lukinskiy about the possibilities of the Northern Sea Route

Seminar "Warehouse logistics today: risk management and process optimization" from the Logistics group of the SPIBA Industrial Committee

Seminar "Warehouse logistics today: risk management and process optimization" from the Logistics group of the SPIBA Industrial Committee

A graduate of the master's program "Strategic management of logistics" A. M. Kolosov PhD degree in management (logistics) was awarded.

'Studying in Russia Is the Most Important Decision in My Life': Yuan Bo on His Studies on the Programme 'Strategic Management in Logistics'

'Studying in Russia Is the Most Important Decision in My Life': Yuan Bo on His Studies on the Programme 'Strategic Management in Logistics'
On July 26 the admission period for HSE master's programmes comes to an end. While the 2022 prospective students still have some time to make a strategic decision, the student from China tells about the reasons for his choice and time-management as a key to successful self-development.

At the level of the best master's programs in logistics and supply chain management: the results of the classes of prof. H. Lorentz in St. Petersburg.


Business projects of masters of the program "Strategic management of logistics" in the 2021-2022 academic year.

Orlov Timofei Anatolyevich - Head of the Commercial Department of the Eastern Europe region of Agility company - Lecturer of the master's program "Strategic Management of Logistics"

Our teachers are our pride! Introducing the lecturers of the Master's program in Strategic Management of Logistics at the Higher School of Economics St. Petersburg (2021-2022 academic year)

"Logistic breakfast" from the (Logistics group of the SPIBA Industrial Committee)

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