© HSE University
In 2025, a new subdivision has started operating at HSE University: the Corporate Hospitality Office (link in Russian), which is responsible for modernising catering services at the university. Its scope will also cover the Office for Public Catering Services (link in Russian), which is responsible for dining halls, cafeterias, and catering at all HSE University campuses. The team of the new office is already lunching new projects aimed at improving the quality of services and comfort for students and staff.
In late 2024, the Office for Public Catering Services introduced a new system for set meals in response to requests for more personalisation and accessibility.
— full set meals (starter, main, salad + drink) cost 230 rubles
— partial set meals (eg salad + soup or a main + side) start at 165 rubles
One of the first innovations was the development of a Telegram chatbot (currently available in Russian), which dining hall customers can interact with in order to:
Margarita Fillipova, Head of the Corporate Hospitality Office, explains that feedback from students and staff is the foundation of change at the Office for Public Catering Services. “I really want to make meals at the university an enjoyable ritual that leaves you feeling good. Students and staff should not only be able to eat tasty food in the safety of our dining halls, but also to spend a nice time there. We already have ideas for improvements; some of them we have started implementing, others are in the planning stages based on your preferences,” she noted.
The team of the Corporate Hospitality Office and the Office for Public Catering Services invite everyone to evaluate their work and share their opinions via the chatbot on Telegram. Your feedback, suggestions, and notes help make catering services at the university even better.
Bon appétit and see you in an HSE dining hall soon!