The Research Papers in Economics project was created in 1997 to disseminate information about contemporary research in the field of economics. RePEc comprises more than 10 various services, including the bibliographic database IDEAS, an anti-plagiarism committee, a genealogical tree of economists and others. RePEc is a free service and is supported exclusively by the efforts of volunteers.
The bibliographic database IDEAS has become one of the most complete and established sources for bibliographic information in the economics profession. IDEAS has a membership of over 13,000 economics institutions, upwards of 40,000 authors and more than 1.5 million entries on academic works. Links to works automatically appear on the database from open sources and also from publications that work with RePEc; this includes nearly all of the world’s well-known publishers. The author must simply create a profile, after which all information about his or her works on economics will be reflected on this profile.
Ratings on separate economists, as well as on economics institutes and centres, are automatically generated each month on the basis of the IDEAS database. These ratings are based on the number of academic works and their citations. From the moment the ranking was created, either the Centre for Economic and Financial Research (CEFIR) or the New Economic School (NES) had always been held first place for Russian institutes. The Higher School of Economics rose to first place on the list for the first time in June 2014. In addition, several individual HSE divisions — the Laboratory of Theory of Markets and Spatial Economics (St. Petersburg) and the Centre for Institutional Studies — surpass every other Russian academic centre, excluding the NES. The HSE’s positions in global rankings has strengthened considerably — in Europe, our university is now ranked 65th, and in the world — 160th.
It is too early to rest on our laurels. As part of the 5/100 program, the HSE tasked itself with becoming one of the top-50 best economics institutes in Europe. We thank all of our colleagues who created a profile on RePEc, and we hope that all HSE employees who work in the field of economics and have not yet registered will do so in the near future.
Dmitry Dagaev, specially for the HSE news portal