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23rd HSE Tourist Rally Took Place in Moscow Region

The HSE Open Tourist Rally brought together about 300 students, graduates and staff of the university.

The rally schedule included various competitions, such as off-road quad bike riding, archery, and quest games. Experienced instructors helped beginners to master the basics of surviving in the wild. Some of the participants came to the rally with their kids, who enjoyed special competitions and challenges: putting up a tent, lighting a fire, orienteering with a map and a compass, and many other useful activities. In the evening, several campfires on a big clearing attracted those who like to sing along to the guitar.

HSE tourist rallies are traditionally organized by the HSE Extreme Sports club with the support of the HSE Office of Public Relations. For the last 16 years, the club has been organizing joint tours, hiking trips and expeditions for university students, staff, and their friends, as well as competitions in both summer and winter sports. Join the club to learn new skills, meet new friends and visit the most exciting places on the planet! Information on the next projects is available on the Club’s page in Vkontakte (in Russian).

Forthcoming Extreme Sports club projects in July and August include an Elbrus climbing expedition, a surf camp in Portugal with surfing training, and a trip to Ergaki, Western Sayan Mountains. You can find reports and photos from the club’s expeditions on its website (in Russian).

June 15, 2015