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Evgeny Yasin Turns 82

On May 7th, the Academic Supervisor of the Higher School of Economics, Evgeny Yasin, celebrated his 82nd birthday.

Professor, teacher, mastermind… These are just a few of the words that describe one of HSE’s greatest professors, Evgeny Yasin. Anyone even remotely familiar with the university knows that Yasin has been an irreplaceable part of HSE for almost a quarter of a century now.

In addition, one of Professor Yasin’s greatest creations, the April Conference, took place for its 17th year in a row last month. Evgeny Yasin remains at the conference’s forefront, not only as its founder and bow-tied moderator, but also as an active researcher and presenter. His new work, The Russian Economy: Before the Long Transition, was co-authored by Yaroslav Kuzminov and Natalia Akindinova and has been growing in popularity and number of citations.

Professor Yasin also continues to oversee the academic seminars that traditionally take place at the end of every month, as well as More Important Than Politics meetings and other social and educational projects. The topic of these events typically extends beyond just politics, as Yasin has long been interested in issues surrounding the sociocultural transformation of society. As one example, his winter lecture at HSE’s Nizhny Novgorod campus focused on the impact culture has on economic relations.

And of course, Professor Yasin continues to work with students and beginning researchers, whom he always advises to ‘go big.’ He had this to say to a group of high-school students participating in the National Economics Olympiad: ‘I always think about what the most interesting things in my life are, and I remember that all of the happiest moments in my life have been connected with discoveries. They don’t even have to be monumental. Sometimes you just get a good idea that allows you to take a second look at the problem you’ve spent all your time working on and trying to solve. This type of discovery – enlightenment even – is the essence of science. It’s why science exists.’

Wishing you many more discoveries, Professor Yasin!


May 07, 2016