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HSE Staff Members Awarded Status of Tenured Professor

On June 22, several HSE lecturers and staff members were awarded the status of Tenured Professor at a meeting of HSE Academic Council. Sixteen HSE staff members became Distinguished Professors at the Higher School of Economics for the first time.

Tenured Professors

The HSE Board of HSE Tenured Professors was established in 2003. So far, this position remains unique to Russian universities and is conferred only at HSE, although a similar honorary title has been granted for many years by Anglo-Saxon universities.

For more information about the history of the Board, readers can refer to an interview with Lev Lubimov, HSE Deputy Academic Supervisor. The interview was given as part of the project ‘A Year in History’, timed to coincide with HSE’s 25th anniversary.

The honorary status of Tenured Professor is awarded to teachers in the position of professor, who have made special contributions to the university. The Board of Tenured Professors is an independent and self-governing body which deals with the strategic, personnel, moral and ethical legal issues of the university.

At the most recent meeting of the Academic Council, HSE Rector, Yaroslav Kuzminov, noted that the number of the Board members and their research fields, as well as the process itself, is similar to the election process at the Russian Academy of Sciences. On the eve of the meeting of the Board of Tenured Professors, each section put forward several candidates, who were then included in the final list.

The following HSE staff members were awarded the status of Tenured Professor:

  • Daniil Alexandrov, Professor at St. Petersburg School of Social Sciences and Humanities (Department of Sociology), Head of the Laboratory of Sociology in Education and Science
  • Valery Afanasiev, Professor at the School of Applied Mathematics
  • Irina Bogdanovskaya, Professor at the Faculty of Law, Head of the International Laboratory for Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law
  • Gennadiy Brodetskiy, Professor at the School of Logistics 
  • Valery Gordin, Professor at St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management
  • Alexey Gorodentsev, Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics
  • Vyacheslav Grines, Academic Supervisor of the Laboratory for Topological Methods in Dynamics
  • Mikhail Denisenko, Associate Professor at the Department of Demography
  • Alexander Kamenskii, Professor at the School of History
  • Grigory Kantorovich, Professor at the Department of Applied Economics
  • Mikhail Karasev, Professor at the School of Applied Mathematics
  • Elena Kardanova, Director of the Center of Education Quality Monitoring
  • Alexander Karminsky, Professor at the School of Finance
  • Anatoly Kasprzhak, Academic Supervisor of the Center of Leadership Development in Education
  • Valery Ledyaev, Professor at the Analysis of Social Institutions Department
  • Dmitry Leontiev, Professor at the School of Psychology
  • Irina Lomazova, Professor at the School of Software Engineering
  • Anatoly Peresetsky, Professor at the Department of Applied Economics
  • Vadim Podbelskiy, Professor at the School of Software Engineering
  • Ekaterina Rakhilina, Professor at the School of Linguistics
  • Alexey Rutkevich, Professor at the School of Philosophy

Distinguished Professors

On June 22, several HSE staff members were also awarded the status of Distinguished Professor for the first time in HSE history.  According to regulations, the honorary status of Distinguished Professor at the Higher School of Economics is conferred upon outstanding researchers and lecturers who have made special academic contributions to HSE, who play an active role in the university’s development and who work to strengthen its reputation.

The following HSE staff members were granted the status of Distinguished Professor:

  • Daniil Alexandrov, Professor at St. Petersburg School of Social Sciences and Humanities (Department of Sociology)
  • Nikolay I. Berzon, Academic Supervisor of the Department of Financial Market Infrastructure
  • Vasily Vlassov, Professor at the Department of Health Care Administration and Economy
  • Valery Gordin, Professor at St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management
  • Valery  Kalyagin, Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics (HSE Nizhny Novgorod)
  • Grigory Kantorovich, Professor at the Department of Applied Economics
  • Sergei Lando, Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics
  • Viktor Maslov, Professor at the School of Applied Mathematics
  • Tamara Morshchakova, Head of the Department of Judicial Power
  • Yuriy Orlovskiy, Academic Supervisor of the Higher School of Law
  • Nikolay Petrukhin, Academic Supervisor of the HSE Branch in Nizhny Novgorod
  • Alexey Rutkevich, Professor at the School of Philosophy
  • Vladimir Shadrikov, Professor at the Department of General and Experimental Psychology
  • Ovsey Shkaratan, Professor at the Department of Applied Economics
  • Revold Entov, Professor at the Department of Theoretical Economics
  • Gennady Yakshin, President of HSE Campus in Nizhny Novgorod


June 26, 2018