At the beginning of the new academic year, HSE launched a new mechanism to support student projects called HSEcoin. The first phase of fundraising through this platform took place from September 13 to November 20. During this time, student projects managed to collect 5,069.14 HSEcoins, which equals more than one million roubles based on 2018 exchange rates. Below is a summary of the first phase of the HSEcoin campaign.
During two months of the HSEcoin campaign, students donated over 5,000 HSEcoins to student projects. The HSEcoin rate this year was 200 roubles per 1 HSEcoin. The average donation was 0.86 HSEcoin.
First-year students were the most active in donating their HSEcoins most actively, giving over 2,000 HSEcoins to various projects. As for the faculties, most HSEcoins were donated by the students from the Faculty of Communications, Media and Design, the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Social Sciences.
Most HSEcoins were donated on HSE Day, September 13th, when the platform was launched, and each student received an HSEcoin. Most HSEcoins were also spent in the first three weeks of the platform's work and before the deadline.
Of the 17 projects created on the platform, 13 have successfully raised funds (four of them have collected 100% of their target, and nine projects raised over 70% of the stated goal and can use these funds). All successful projects can be found on HSE Family website.
HSE App and HSE Bot raised the necessary funds — 110 HSEcoins (22,000 roubles) — in a record 4.5 hours. This money will help to improve service work, launch a telegram bot and develop an Android app.
The editorial office of The Vyshka is the leader in the number of donations: the team collected 2008 HSEcoins (almost 402,000 roubles), which is half of all donated HSEcoins, although the figure does not represent 100% of their target.
The HSE Intellectual Club Association collected 30,000 roubles, which is equal to 150 HSEcoins, which will be used to help organize their 35th quiz championship; these HSEcoins will be spent on prizes and medals for the winners.
Six Voron, a student organization, will arrange a leisure room in Dormitory 6 with their 145 HSEcoins (29,000 roubles), while the multi-language anti-club #poboltaem? plans to spend a similar amount on tea and cookies for relaxed and comfortable international interaction.
The student rap community Vyshka Rhymes and the student magazine DOXA raised over 70% of their target to buy technical equipment necessary for projects’ functioning.
HSE KVN League raised funds to organize HSE Fun Weekend, while the documentary film club OPIA collected 83% of their goal and held the festival of West Berlin culture, <61-89 >.
ATartar language speaking club from the TatarIn association and the expansion of the HSE Mafia club also proved to be successful projects.
Just before the platform’s closing, several more projects managed to raise funds:
The HSEcoin platform is taking a break for the winter holidays. The organizers will analyse the initial results of the HSE crowdfunding campaign and will return with an improved version of HSEcoin in 2019.
Detailed materials about the winning projects will soon be published on Studlife HSE, where the organizers will share the secrets of a successful crowdfunding campaign inside HSE.