Every winter, HSE students and staff occupy the slope at the KANT skiing complex to organize the HSE Snow Fest. On this day, HSE students, HSE Lyceum students, and HSE staff together can go snowboarding and alpine skiing for free. In 2019, HSE Snow Fest takes place on February 10.
The festival’s key event, traditionally, is free skiing and snowboarding for everyone interested, as well as an alpine skiing and snowboarding mini-slalom competition. In addition, all participants will be able to learn the basics of these winter sports with Extreme Sports Club instructors. Everyone interested, not only professionals, are invited to take part in the slalom competition.
In addition to the sports part of the event, the organizers have prepared a festive programme in the form of a Russian national festival. In the food zone, you’ll be treated to some tea from a huge samovar, freshly cooked pancakes, and some other Russian sweets.
As you take a rest and enjoy the sweets, you are invited to take part in a creative whistle painting workshop, listen to an HSE rock band, or help decorate a huge SNOW FEST wall.
A detailed programme of the festival is available on the website.
Snow Fest is organized by students from HSE Extreme Sports Club and Student Initiative Support Centre.
The festival starts at 11 am.
Location: Sports complex KANT, 7/2 Elektrolitny Proezd, Moscow (Nagornaya metro station), slope ‘Orion’.
Entry for HSE students, staff and graduates is free, but please register in advance and don’t forget to take your HSE pass with you. HSE staff can take their families to the Snow Fest. For this, only the staff member needs to register.
If you have any questions, please contact Alena Makshanchikova, the event coordinator.