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HSE Internal Communications Unit Is Now Hiring Interns


What we do: we cover HSE University life and news about the HSE community.

Who we are looking for:

  • Authors (including those who can write in English)
  • Designers
  • Photographers

What we offer: 2 credits and work experience

Dates: July 8 — September 15, 2019


We are ready to discuss all forms of collaboration. We offer a range of internship types: those that simply provide work experience, those that lead to full-time paid positions, and those that provide academic credit for fulfillment of your faculty’s practical project requirement (if relevant). We will find what works for everyone.

What we do

We prepare large communication projects and cover HSE University news. You can choose what is more interesting for you: to write for the HSE University Life website or to dive into in project activity—or even both!

Articles can differ in format and content, but they should be interesting and cover life of HSE University and the HSE community.

Big projects are also very different, but they are all connected with internal communications. For example, we prepare a mini-guide for first-year students and an adaptation course for new employees. We integrate ourselves into HSE IT platforms and set up smart mailings, we are planing the launch of HSE University television, and we are creating a media incubator. The organization of the new season of Studlife HSE is in full swing as well. Let’s create these projects together!

How to join our team

Fill out the form and complete the test task. If you are applying for different positions, such as author and photographer, you will need to submit the form twice. We will contact the most creative applicants and invite them for an interview. Applications will be accepted until 23:59, July 7.

If you want to receive academic credit and arrange your work as a project, you should also apply via the Project Fair.

If you are interested in trying your hand at this work but for whatever reason don’t have time the summer, don’t worry - on September 15, we plan to start a new round. Follow HSE news for updates.

Bonus: Those who successfully pass the interview process will get the opportunity to visit the HSE University building on Pokrovka before everyone else!

June 27, 2019