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Proposed Changes to the HSE University Rules and Regulations

An overview of the main amendments to the HSE internal student and employee regulations

The upcoming HSE Academic Council meeting will consider amendments to the Student Internal Regulations, the Employee Internal Regulations, as well as HSE’s student initiative support services and procedures.

The proposed amendments will expand employee benefits, employee incentives, student intellectual property protections, and student-employee relation guidelines, in addition to providing legal approval for around-the-clock operation of HSE buildings and introducing other new measures.

The HSE Internal Regulations is one of the fundamental documents of the University which outlines the rights and obligations of HSE students and employees. The rules build upon and detail the principles and norms expressed in the Statement of Values and the Charter of the University.

Student Internal Regulations

Employee Internal Regulations

New Employee Benefits

The revised edition of the rules and regulations establishes the provision of need-based material assistance from the University for employees who have fallen on hard times as well as a support system for employees with disabilities.

The regulations guarantee employees the opportunity to receive training in continued education and retraining programmes provided by the University as well as the right to receive advice about opportunities for themselves or their family members to receive paid or preferential training in HSE programmes.

The regulations also stipulate the right to legal and career counseling, as well as psychological support services from appropriate university departments.

Regulations Regarding Employee Incentives and Honorary Status Designation

The HSE Internal Regulations stipulate the opportunity for employees to receive awards of gratitude from HSE University, its faculties, branches, and other departments, as well as the University leadership and its departments. A proposed amendment will cap the system of medals, badges, and diplomas that are awarded to employees at 28 types of awards and rewards.

Student-Employee Relations Guidelines

The revised edition of the internal regulations expressly prohibits employees from addressing students or university staff in a rude or derogatory (inappropriately familiar) manner.

Additional anti-corruption measures have also been introduced. Employees are required to notify their employer in all cases of attempted coercion or enticement to engage in corruption while performing their professional duties.

Employees are required, as circumstances allow, to take all possible measures to minimize and/or eliminate the consequences of accidents with students and employees of HSE University and the violation of university rules and regulations. If it is necessary for an employee to interact with a student, the employee must identify him or herself by telling the student his or her full name and position.

Enumeration of HSE's Policy of Political Neutrality

The revised edition of the internal regulations details HSE’s policy against making political statements, not only on behalf of the University, but on behalf of unspecified groups of students or employees of HSE (such as students of a faculty, residents of a dormitory, etc.).

In the case of a student’s or an employee’s participation in political or other activities that incite social division, the student or employee must do so without publicizing his or her affiliation with the university. In public speeches delivered or publications produced as an HSE employee, employees should not express opinions that go beyond the purview of providing expert or analytical opinions.

Expansion of Administrative Support Services for Student Initiatives

Administrative support for student initiatives will be expanded: printing services, transportation services, as well as representation of students' interests in negotiations with external contractors will be available for individual student projects. Previously, these services were available only to student organizations.

For student organizations, the annual reporting process will be simplified.

Changes in the Registration Procedure for Student Projects

The revised regulations clarify the requirements for the extracurricular activities of student organizations supported by the University in terms of their alignment with the goals and objectives of HSE University and its mission. Student media organizations will no longer be assigned student organization status.

Student Intellectual Property Protections

Under the revised edition of the HSE Internal Regulations, HSE employees will be required to provide proper attribution in their research when using results obtained by HSE students and graduate students conducting research under their supervision. In order to ensure the student’s intellectual property rights, the employee must indicate the specific contribution of the student in the publication.

24/7 Operation of HSE Buildings

HSE dormitories have long been open to students and staff 24/7, and now a new policy amendment will allow the administrations of other campus buildings to instate around-the-clock hours of operation if they so choose. (The library located in the Pokrovka complex, for example, already offers round-the-clock hours of operation).

At present, the draft amendments have been submitted to the HSE Student Council. The new edition of the rules and regulations will be reviewed at the upcoming Academic Council meeting.

January 17, 2020