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From February 3 – 16, Green HSE is installing waste paper collection points in several university buildings. All paper, cardboard, and newspaper scraps collected will be recycled into new packaging and construction materials.
You can bring your waste paper from February 3 to 16 to one of the five HSE buildings:
Please note that not every kind of paper can be accepted for recycling.
You can bring:
Do not bring:
The waste collection event is part of Lesomania, a nationwide ecological quest for students. More information about the event is available on the Green HSE group page.
The HSE Art and Design School and the Meridian of Kindness Fund have released a 2020 eco-calendar. The calendar indicates important dates related to environmental protection and includes a check list of ways you can help make the planet cleaner.
The calendar is printed on recycled paper. It features fragments of the painting, The Garden of Earthly Delights, by Hieronymus Bosch.
You can pick up a copy of the calendar any day of the week from 11 am to 7 pm at 11 Pokrovsky Boulevard, Room M407.
International students speak about waste sorting in their countries
Instructions from Green HSE