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Proctoring Security and Rescheduled Term Paper Defenses

The main issues discussed at the meeting between the HSE Rector and student council representatives

© Daniil Prokofyev

On April 9-13, 2020 HSE faculty and dormitory student councils took a survey about problems students encountered in the transition to distance learning. On April 20, HSE University Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov, the HSE administration, and student council representatives discussed common problems for many faculties via Zoom. HSE Life highlights the main topics of the meeting.

Technical Problems

Students still have problems accessing their online classes. It is especially a problem for students from other cities. If there are many students in a class who have returned home to other cities, student councils should contact the programme academic supervisors and find a way to solve this problem: for example, adjust the course format from synchronous to asynchronous.

Some of the students had equipment problems. The HSE administration has allocated laptops for distance learning for those who continue to study in Moscow. Students who have returned to their home towns can apply to the faculty administration for financial assistance to purchase equipment. Each case is reviewed individually.

If you have equipment problems, you can contact Pavel Zdorovtsev, Director of the Student Development Office.

If a student cannot continue their studies (due to the quality of the Internet connection or lack of access to a suitable PC), they can consider taking a leave of absence.

Reducing Tuition

HSE has not switched to part-time learning; students are continuing their full-time studies remotely. The cost of learning is much higher than it was before, so the tuition fee will not decrease.

Recording Lectures

Previously students have noted that not all lecturers allow them to record their online lectures and seminars. These recordings are necessary for students who are unable to join the class due to technical difficulties or different time zones.

HSE Rector allowed students to record lectures in order to use it for repeated listening or viewing. Now the university is working on the legal issues of the problem, as there are restrictions on the use of such recordings.

Postponing the Start of the Academic Year

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education currently has no intention of postponing the start of the academic year, but it is still possible.
All Russian universities are preparing to start the next academic year in an online format and to organize distant learning for at least two months. When infections peak in Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, and St. Petersburg, outbreaks in the rest of Russia might still be in full swing. In this situation, distance learning might be organised for a few more months.

Term Paper Defenses

Student council representatives have noticed that not all students have the opportunity to remotely complete their term papers (for example, due to the cancellation of expeditions or the need to use complex equipment only available on campus).

For these students, faculty deans and programme academic supervisors will consider individual applications to postpone the deadline of paper submissions and defenses to the autumn if important components of the project fell under the quarantine period.
This may be a problem for 4th-year students who were planning to enroll in master's programmes. The administration, together with the HSE Legal Office, will consider allowing students with incomplete bachelor's degrees to start their master's studies.

Access to Specific Equipment

Until April 30, 2020 the deans were instructed to provide information about cases when students need to get to the university buildings to work with specific equipment (for example, 3D printers). If the rate of infection in Moscow improves, the university will consider opening access to laboratories and equipment on an individual basis.


If it’s impossible to complete an arranged internship remotely, students who are not graduating this year can reschedule them for next year.

Accommodation of Students in Dormitories

Last week, several students contacted the Rector with a request to relocate them to vacant rooms in the dormitories.

Student councils conducted a survey and found that in general, students don’t approve of this idea. The students who left did not want their places to be occupied by other students, and the students who stayed in dormitories noted that they did not face this problem and did not want to move to a new place. The situation is similar in all dormitories and, apparently, this issue is not relevant for the majority.

Proctoring Security

Representatives of student councils expressed concern that during exams with the use of proctoring, students’ personal data may be at risk.

During the summer exams, HSE will use proctoring technology provided by the Examus platform. The university has been working with this company for many years, and so far this problem has not occurred. This year HSE has already organised over 500 doctoral programme entrance exams and several thousand entrance exams for Lyceum students using this system.

April 21, 2020