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Art Night Took Place at HSE University

Discussion from the MMoMA Museum, an acting masterclass, and a traditional Buryat dance

© Daniil Prokofyev

On July 17, HSE hosted the first inter-campus online festival ‘Art Night’, after several intensive weeks of preparation. Lectures, master classes, film screenings, quizzes, quests, events for children, and the headline concert – HSE Life have prepared an overview of the event.

 ‘Art Night’ was a five-hour programme for guests via ZOOM alongside a Vkontakte broadcast. Participants got the opportunity to travel around the world, learning more about national cultures while staying at home.

The programme was designed for both adults and children. More than 500 participants attended the adult side of the festival, while 40 young guests attended conferences from ‘HSE for Children’. Despite the fact that ‘Art Night’ continued until 3am, our guests stayed right till the end.

Each participant had the opportunity to choose a personal route. For example, guests could participate in a masterclass on acting, then attend an interactive discussion from the MMoMA Museum, ‘go’ to a concert, participate in a quiz, watch a movie, and at the end learn to dance ekhor, a traditional Buryat folk dance. In addition to Zoom conferences, the festival community had an online broadcast with video materials from the organizers.

The event was organized by student organizations from HSE campuses, along with specialists from MMOMA, the Russian Museum, IZI Travel , the National Drama Theatre of Russia (Alexandrinsky Theatre), the PERMM Museum of Modern Art, the Da Vinci Language Art Studio, the Pushkin Historical and Literary Museum, and ‘Bely Kamen’ (White stone) travel.

Arina Barbashova (Moscow)

1st-year student of the ‘Art History’ programme, festival coordinator

Art is different for everyone, but I can say one thing for sure – it unites all of us and gives us the opportunity to feel a different atmosphere and absorb something new. One person might enjoy a variety of music; another person has always wanted to stand on a theatre stage and feel like a real actor; yet another hasn’t picked up a brush for a long time, but is eager to create a masterpiece, while another is bored of staying at home for quarantine and has absolutely no hesitation in dancing the Buryat national dance at 3 am. At our festival, everyone could choose an activity to their liking.

Thanks to the schedule, each guest had the opportunity to immerse themselves in many different areas of art and attend lectures from our partners, as well as taking part in masterclasses. In addition, our community in Vkontakte broadcast five hours of video materials from the organizers.

I managed to take part in almost all the conferences, and, frankly, I loved it! It was so nice to see people who are interested in exploring art and who were open to this experience.

Lolita Sukhova (Nizhny Novgorod)

1st-year student, project ‘Welcome to Gorky’

‘Art Night’ has created a new stage of development for our project. We spent three weeks preparing for it, and by this I mean that we were shooting a tour of Nizhny Novgorod. It was something similar to the well-known ‘Heads and Tails’ show, and everything turned out better than we’d hoped.

The event was easy, fun, and it all went smoothly with no technical hitches. I’d like to thank the organizers for being with us 24/7 during the event preparation and helping to solve any problems.

We really hope that this festival will become a good tradition for the annual summer gathering of activists and will one day switch to an offline format.

Elena Vilesova

Head of the Student and Alumni Centre, HSE Campus in Perm

‘Art Night’ helped us to erase the borders between different cities and countries. It was very nice to see a lot of people at our Perm online event ‘The Art of Traveling’. Thank you all for your interest, questions and participation.

I am sure that ‘Art Night’ was a success and we should definitely repeat it.

Maria Gavrilyuk (Saint Petersburg)

2nd-year student

I am glad that now we have an event that unites all HSE campuses. It is interesting for us to participate in it and test new formats, especially in summer, when university life often ‘freezes’.

We hope that the festival will become an annual event and will bring together art lovers under one roof to once again immerse themselves in art for the whole night.

July 20, 2020