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HSE University Gets a New Building

The building on 29 Malaya Ordynka will host the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs

© Daniil Prokofyev/ HSE University

The HSE Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs is now situated in a new building on 29 Malaya Ordynka. Deputy Dean Denis Medvedev talked to HSE University Life about the new location.

Denis Medvedev
Deputy Dean of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs

Between its foundation in 2002 (initially as the Faculty of World Economy, and then, as Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs) and 2019, our whole faculty or its parts have moved ten times. Today, the School of Asian Studies is located on Staraya Basmannaya (but we believe we’ll come together at one venue eventually), while the School of World Economy, the School of International Affairs, and the School of International Regional Studies are on Bolshaya and Malaya Ordynka.

In 2019, when it became clear that there would not be enough space for our faculty on 11 Pokrovsky Boulevard, it was decided to give us the building on 29 Malaya Ordynka. This was built in 1905 by the renowned architect Nikolay Blagoveshensky for A. and S. Ivanov Brothers Coffee, Chocolate and Cocoa Factory (later named Rot Front). Before it was given to HSE University, the building belonged to the College of Communications No. 54.

The faculty created a working group, which also involved students and professional designers, with the aim of blending classical university traditions with contemporary trends, as well as preserving the historic elements within the building’s interior.

We understood that the key global trend in creating university interiors today are bright colour solutions that stimulate intellectual activity and help students and teachers to spend time positively and comfortably in the university. This is even more relevant for us since we are a northern country.

In February 2020, the design and plans for the building were approved, and in June, the renovation began. Not everything went smoothly, of course, as is always the way in these projects, but most of our ideas were implemented, and the faculty is grateful to Vice Rector Alexander Shamrin, the staff of the HSE Capital Construction Office, and, of course, the contractor.

For the first time, the faculty has its own cafeteria, a library, and a gym, which is today home to the HSE rowing team.

There is still a lot to be done. Our immediate priorities now are to repair and develop the space in front of the building on 47/7 Bolshaya Ordynka, to make an all-season outdoor gym on 29 Malaya Ordynka, and continue the development of the space near 17 Malaya Ordynka.

Photos of the new building by Daniil Prokofiev

December 04, 2020