HSE University’s Charter has been amended as per Resolution No. 2123 of the Government of the Russian Federation ‘On Amendments to the Charter of Federal State Autonomous Institution for Higher Education National Research University Higher School of Economics’, dated December 16, 2020, and by Resolution No. 2421, ‘On Amendments to Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation’, dated December 31, 2020.
Our Charter has been amended in response to the need to reflect the current state of the University’s development, as well as take into account several new changes in legislation.
With a view to the development of new technologies, changing institutions, and new practices in the educational process, HSE University aims not only to keep abreast of constantly emerging trends, but also be a source of innovation and implement the concept lifelong learning. The new edition of the Charter focuses on meeting the needs of individual learners, while highlighting the continuous development of professional and personal competencies, knowledge and skills at any age. The opportunities for intellectual, moral, spiritual, academic and professional development via education, fostering technology and arts via academic research, encouraging innovative and creative activities by staff and students alike, and further promotion of online education– these are all growth points that can be found in the new version of the HSE University Charter.
HSE University is already implementing the third mission, contributing to the country’s socio-economic development, improvements to its educational system, socially important projects and initiatives, volunteering and charity projects, and social aid for students, as well as working with school students and prospective students of secondary education. At present, these areas of activity are directly described in the Charter as the goals of our institution: supporting talented children and youth, providing career guidance, developing innovative practices in education and research, organizing and offering continuous education opportunities, networking knowledge, and boosting society’s educational and cultural strength.
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The HSE University Charter has been amended in order to include the key principles that bring together it staff and students, as well as guide them in their work. The Charter now covers principles of academic freedom, professionalism and self-discipline, in accordance with the Russian law, the Charter itself, the University’s Statement of Values, and general ethical standards.
Furthermore, there is another piece of long-expected news, which many parents will be happy to hear. The current version of the HSE University Charter now covers day care services. The University has long been preparing for opening day care rooms for the children of staff and students. Today, it has the necessary legal foundation for this type of operation.
In addition, it is now possible to place advertising at HSE University venues, during events organized at third parties’ venues, and on printed materials. The new edition of the Charter also clarifies the procedure and terms of HSE Academic Council creation; there is now an opportunity to preserve membership in this body when an individual is transferred to another position within the university. Deans and department heads are hereby elected by the Academic Council for a term of five years, selected from the most authoritative and qualified specialists, as suggested by the University’s own Rector. Furthermore, department heads will be nominated to the Rector by respective faculty deans.
Following amendments made to the Labour Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law ‘On Education in the Russian Federation’, the Charter clarifies the respective status of the University’s Rector, President and campus directors. According to these amendments, one person cannot take Rector’s position for longer than three terms. In turn, the University President may chair the Academic Council, following the council’s resolution. Also, administration of each regional campus shall be performed by a director, who is appointed as per the Rector’s order, having, usually, the experience of teaching, research or organizational work, and under the age of 70 (regardless of the term of their job contract). Upon reaching this age threshold, campus directors shall be transferred to another position, appropriate to their qualification, and upon their written agreement.