© HSE University
The Centre for Student Academic Development together with School of Mentors are launching a new development in 2021 – student research mentors. Senior students will help freshmen dive deeper into academia.
Student research mentors are students from the second year and above who help first-year students navigate the world of science and popular science at their faculties and across HSE University. The main goal is to attract them to academia. At the same time, student research mentors, supported by the Centre for Student Academic Development, will create local and interfaculty research and popular science projects.
Manager of the Centre for Student Academic Development
Today, mentors are actively helping freshmen to adapt at the university: they assist them in navigating through their studies at HSE, and give advice about student associations and other ways to express themselves. Understanding research as part of HSE’s extracurricular world can also become part of this process of introduction to the university.
Project Head at the Student Development Office
Students who will join the first wave of research mentors will be able to develop their academic communication skills, to get to know how research and popular science projects work, and support existing traditions of our academic extracurricular life as well as creating new ones. The student community will get an enhanced way to explore multiple research events, the answers to frequently asked questions, and, of course, support from students with an extensive background in research at each faculty.
This project will help those students who understand the thrill of research to communicate this to others. In addition, the research mentors will be able to implement their own projects with HSE’s support and stay updated about the university’s academic agenda.
More information is available on the project website (in Russian). If you have questions, please contact Grigory Bannikov, Manager of the Centre for Student Academic Development: gbannikov@hse.ru.