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Events Worth Attending This Week

Workshops and presentations, a streetball competition for HSE students and graduates, a concert of HSE Centre of Music Projects and many more

© Daniil Prokofyev/ HSE University

Workshop 'Sandwich model for incorporating sources into your text. Part 1'

The workshops address a common difficulty writers face while working on academic texts. Demonstrating familiarity with existing research and citing prominent studies is expected in a scholarly paper, but doing it effectively is a skill that takes time and practice to develop. During our hands-on sessions, we will work on incorporating information from outside sources into authors' paragraphs logically and naturally. We will take a step-by-step approach and progress from some closely guided exercises to more independent and individualized expression. While the first session will be spent on constructing paragraphs containing quotes or paraphrases from prescribed elements, the second one will allow participants to apply that process to their own writing. Participants will need to prepare two or three sources they want to incorporate into their papers and will produce some paragraphs ready to go into an essay or an article.

Target audience: HSE teachers, researchers, and graduate students

Language: English

Date & Time: December 7, 17:30 - 19:30


For more information please see the webpage.

Business Seminar with Anastasia Rogatyuk 'What are insights, and how do corporations mass-produce and use insights every day?'

On December 8, 2021, a master class with a guest speaker – Anastasia Rogatyuk, CMI expert – will be held within the framework of the Business Seminar of Master Programme "Applied Statistics with Network Analysis" (MASNA).

The seminar will cover some common misconceptions about insight making and offer an interactive Python insight exercise. No advanced Python knowledge is required.

Anastasia is an HSE graduate and has an extensive background in social and marketing research, both in consulting agencies and in Fortune 500 corporations. Now she specializes in consumer and market insights in beauty and independently consults leading sports clubs on clients' data and experience.

Seminar Language: English

Date: December 8, 2021

Time: 18:30 Moscow time


For more information please see the webpage.

The Presentation by Daniel M.T. Fessler: 'Emotion, Cognition, and Contagious Kindness'

On the 8-th of December, at 19:00 (UTC+3), Professor Fessler will make a presentation on such emotion as 'elevation' to "explore the affective and cognitive processes undergirding decision making in situations of potential cooperation". Working language — English.

Employing an evolutionary approach to the mind, this talk will examine the emotion which psychologists have termed “elevation” to explore the affective and cognitive processes undergirding decision making in situations of potential cooperation. In such contexts, the presence of altruistic individuals enhances the payoffs, and reduces the risks, of prosociality. Third-party witnesses to altruism experience elevation, an uplifting emotion that impels them to behave prosocially themselves. However, because others’ motives can only be inferred, the extent to which altruistic acts elicit elevation is contingent on prior beliefs; these form a lens through which the witness interprets acts of apparent altruism. Idealists, who expect others to behave cooperatively, are susceptible to elevation, whereas cynics, who expect the opposite, are not. Together, idealism and elevation thus underlie contagious prosociality. In turn, because idealism and elevation influence behavior, social processes may interact with context-specific expectations to create stable self-reinforcing patterns of prosociality – or antisociality – that characterize communities and, perhaps, whole societies.

Zoom link

For more information please see the webpage.

Concert of HSE Centre of Music Projects: Berlinsky Quartet and Arseny Tarasevich-Nikolayev (piano)

Berlinsky Quartet together with pianist Arseny Tarasevich-Nikolayev will perform chamber music by Benjamin Britten and Antonín Dvořák.

The Berlinsky Quartet was founded in 2018. The musicians won the first prize of the IV International Competition of Chamber Ensembles and String Quartets Named after N.G. Rubinstein  (Moscow, 2021).

The quartet includes:

  • Roman Filippov, first violin
  • Fyodor Kalashnikov, second violin
  • Pavel Romanenko, viola
  • Mikhail Kalashnikov, cello

The concert programme:

  • Benjamin Britten (1913-1976)

String Quartet No. 3, Op.94

  • Antonin Dvorak (1841-1904)

Piano Quintet No. 2, Op.81

The concert starts at 19:00

Address: 11 Pokrovsky Boulevard, 11, building 6, HSE Cultural Centre, small hall.

The event is held in the COVID-free format

CInSt Research Seminar 'Cigarette taxes, smoking, and health in the long-run': Katherine Meckel (UCSD)

Katherine Meckel (UCSD) is going to present a paper "Cigarette taxes, smoking, and health in the long-run" on the regular CInSt research seminar on December, 9.
Medical experts have argued forcefully that using cigarettes harms health, prompting the adoption of myriad anti-smoking policies. The association between smoking and mortality may, however, be driven by unobserved factors, making it difficult to discern the underlying long-term causal relationship. In this study, we explore the effects of cigarette taxes experienced as a teenager, which are arguably exogenous, on adult smoking participation and mortality. A one-dollar increase in teenage cigarette taxes is associated with an 8 percent reduction in adult smoking participation and a 6 percent reduction in mortality. Mortality effects are most pronounced for heart disease and lung cancer.

Time: 18:10-19:30 (UTC+3).  


Working language: English.    

Zoom link 

For more information please see the webpage.

Second round of the HSE 3x3 streetball league

The creators of the HSE3x3 streetball league are holding the second round of streetball for HSE students and graduates. The strongest hse teams will compete for prizes, and fans will have the opportunity to compete for prizes.

Come to Sokol metro, Volokolamskoe shosse 13 on December, 11 by 20:00. If you're a fan, you'll not only have the chance to watch an interesting game, but also to win a prize. In addition, there will be free bars and redbull energy drinks on the site. Just don't forget to write to the organiser to be entered into the lists! Don't miss this event. The battle promises to be hot!

For more information please see the webpage.

December 06, 2021