Yaroslav Kuzminov, Rector of the Higher School of Economics, has been awarded the order ‘For Merit for the Fatherland’, 4th class, by the President of Russia.
The presidential decree signed by Vladimir Putin on July 28th, 2012, mentions HSE Rector’s achievements in ‘developing the state social and economic policy’ as well as his ‘long and fruitful academic research work’.
Yaroslav Kuzminov, as head of the expert group on labour market, professional education and migration policy, was one of the key authors of the Strategy 2020. The HSE rector is also a member of the Council under the RF Public Chamber and member of several presidential and governmental commissions. In 2002 Yaroslav Kuzminov was awarded the Order of Honour.
Vladimir Mau, Rector of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service under the RF President, who also actively participated in preparing the Strategy 2020, was awarded the order ‘For Merit for the Fatherland’, 4th class, as well. Previously the work of Lev Yakobson, First Vice Rector of the HSE, on the Strategy was also awarded by such an order. Some other university staff members who participated in the development of the Strategy 2020 have also received state and governmental awards.