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This Week’s Events at HSE University

© Daniil Prokofyev/ HSE University

Workshops, research seminars and concerts —a selection of this week’s events at HSE University.

Aleksanteri Institute workshop 'New Per­spect­ives on Rus­sia and Eurasia'

Andrei Yakovlev will present the paper 'Vari­et­ies of Cap­it­al­ism: Which Model Did Rus­sia Choose?' at the Aleksanteri Institute workshop.

The paper considers the concept of variety of capitalism and its evolution during the last 20 years. It shows how the focus of this theory moved from discussion of competition between liberal (LME) and coordinated (CME) market economies to the analysis of dependent market economies (DME) and later to the study of patrimonial market economies (PME) and state-permeated market economies (SME).

From the point of view of this theoretical framework the paper considers the changes in the approaches to the development of a market economy in Russia. It explains why the attempts undertaken in 1990s and 2000s to introduce LME and SME in Russia failed and why the economic model formed after all institutional changes should be classified as a mix of PME and DME. 




Seminar 'QA on Data Independent Acquisition for Tandem Mass Spectrometry'

Speaker: Vadim Demichev, Group leader, Institute of Biochemistry, Charite University Medicine Berlin.

During this seminar the participants will discuss the main differences between the Data Independent Acquisition (DIA) and Data Dependent Acquisition (DDA), we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches, mainly focusing on their computational aspects.

Start time: 13:00 


Open Online Seminar 'Hindutva Majoritarianism and State of Democracy in Contemporary India'

Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs invites everyone interested to participate in the Open Online Seminar “Hindutva Majoritarianism and State of Democracy in Contemporary India”.The seminar will be conducted on Wednesday, October 12, 2022, by Dr. Sudip Chakraborty from North Bengal University.

Time: 17:00 

Language: English



Masterclass 'Banking Crises: the Main Mechanisms of Occurrence and Methods of Regulation'

A master-class by the Bank of Russia Head of Research and Forecasting Department Alexey Ponomarenko will be held in the framework of the Research Seminar on Empirical Studies of Banking.



Performance by Rodion Zamuruev (violin) and Viktor Chernelevsky (piano)

11 Pokrovsky Bulvar, building Z

Start time: 19:00

The famous Russian violinist in a duet with Viktor Chernelevsky will perform one of the most complex and monumental works for violin and piano — Beethoven's ‘Kreutzer’ Sonata. To register, please contact kagaronyan@hse.ru.

Seminar 'Management of Localized Waves in Inhomogeneous Media with Modulated Nonlinearities'

Speaker: K. Sakkaravarthi, Young Scientist Training Program Asia-Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP), Republic of Korea

The dynamics of nonlinear systems feature several exciting phenomena that find multifaceted applications in different fields of science, engineering, and technology. Various nonlinear coherent structures like bright-bright, bright-dark, and dark-dark type solitons/solitary waves, Akhmediev & Ma breathers, rogue waves, etc. associated with such scalar and vector models are of considerable physical significance. The characteristics of nonlinear waves are explored through different analytic/numeric investigations and experimental realization.

Start time: 16:20



Seminar 'Deep Learning Applications in Proteomics Mass Spectrometry'

Speaker: William Stafford Noble, Professor, Department of Genome Sciences Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of Washington

Tandem mass spectrometry analysis of biological samples yields large, complex data that is ripe for analysis using machine learning techniques. In this talk, the speaker will describe two recent projects in which they used mass spectrometry data to train deep neural network models. 


11th ICEF-CInSt International Moscow Finance Conference

The conference is aimed at bringing together scholars involved in both theoretical and empirical research in the fields of finance which includes theoretical and empirical work in asset pricing, banking, corporate finance, macro-finance, international finance, and microstructure of financial markets. 

Start time: 10:25

Online and on-site


October 10, 2022