HSE University has started accepting applications for a competition as part of the strategic project ‘Digital Transformation: Technologies, Effects, Efficiency.’
Teams who have a development or a prototype of a product or service created as part of research and development at HSE University are invited to apply. The project should be related to the field of digital technologies, including machine learning and AI, cyberphysical systems, neurocognitive and medical digital technologies.
In order to be eligible for the competition, submitted products or services must have the potential for commercialisation (ie sales to external partners/clients under a licensing model).
To submit your project, please email a short presentation to by February 27. Recommendations on the structure and contents of presentations can be found here (in Russian).
On March 2, 2023, competition participants will present their pitches to representatives of the strategic project and the Centre for R&D Commercialisation and Technology Transfer. Based on the results, the most promising proposals will be selected and the project creators and centre staff will jointly develop a detailed plan to implement the commercialisation project.
Funding support will be aimed at covering the expenses necessary to develop the commercialisation project to the stage of conducting test sales of the product or service (or a prototype version of them) under a licensing model and generating corresponding profits from the distribution of intellectual property rights.
HSE University has an incentive system for employees who facilitate the commercialisation of intellectual property, including in the form of receiving a portion of future licensing income.
For more information on the competition, project requirements, procedure for participation and available funding support, please see the competition regulations (in Russian).