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This Week’s Events at HSE University

Nikolay Berezhnoy // HSE University

June 5, Monday

Blood Donation Week (June 5–9)

Donate blood and enjoy various lectures, quests, and quizzes! The blood drive lasts from June 5–7.

11 Pokrovsky Bulvar


June 6, Tuesday

Online Open Talk: 'What ICT Skills Do Graduate Recruiters Seek Out the Most?'

To what extent are ICT skills acquired at university recognised by employers in the short run? In this seminar, participants will compare the career opportunities of women and men in four European countries (Austria, Czechia, Germany, Norway) based on the skills they acquired at university. The study conducted by Dr Jake Murdoch (Institute for Research in the Sociology and Economics of Education, University of Bourgogne, France) relies on the discussion of education and employment opportunities of young people in the information society from the perspective of gender disparities.

Start time: 4:00 pm

Learn more and register

June 7, Wednesday

Science Battles

Science Battles, a popular-science initiative in a TED Talks format, returns—this time outdoors.

123B Prospekt Mira, roof of the ‘Worker and Kolkhoz Woman’ pavilion

Start time: 7:00 pm

Learn more and register

June 8, Thursday

Curated Tour of the SOFT (POWER) Exhibition at the HSE ART GALLERY

Visitors can view works created by students as part of the ‘Ceramics and Textiles’ workshop supervised by Dmitry Tsvetkov. The exhibition reflects on how relationships are built between people and the spaces in which they live. Tours take place every Thursday at 7:00 pm.

12 Malaya Pionerskaya Ulitsa

Learn more

HSE Jews & Azerbaijan Club Collaboration

Guests will hear a fascinating lecture on ‘The History and Culture of the Mountain Jews of Azerbaijan’.

Start time: 5:20 pm

11 Pokrovsky Bulvar, R204


Online LCSR Seminar 'We’ve Vastly Overestimated the Idea That Modernization Makes Cultures Individualistic'

Speaker: Thomas Talhelm (University of Chicago, USA)

Start time: 6:00 pm

Learn more and register

June 9, Friday

Iron Egg

The Iron Egg is an award given to the top student projects in the extracurricular year.

Start time: 6:00 pm

11 Pokrovsky Bulvar, Culture Centre


June 10, Saturday

Autosave Contemporary Music Festival

HSE CREATIVE HUB is hosting lectures and performances by teachers and students of Sound Art and Sound Design at the HSE Art and Design School.

Start time: 5:00 pm

53 Panteleevskaya Ulitsa


June 05, 2023