Many years ago, a group of MIEM students set up a picturesque camping spot on the shore of the Ruza reservoir. Later, a sports and recreational base for students and staff of MIEM and HSE was opened there. After closing in recent years, the renovated main building is now ready to welcome its first guests: student construction teams. This summer, three sessions are open for those who want to become part of the community and help the camp get started again.
In addition to contests, games and training sessions, Ruza used to offer its guests something bigger: an opportunity for self-fulfilment in a community of enthusiastic and like-minded people. Now, the university plans to restore and develop this unique atmosphere with the help of students, transforming the picturesque camp into a space for networking sessions, off-site conferences, and research in geology and ecology.
1st shift (July 10–23)—registration until 11:59 pm, June 26
2nd shift (July 26–30)—registration until 11:59 pm, July 5
3rd shift (August 2–6)—registration until 11:59 pm, July 10
Deputy Vice Rector
The Ruza student camp used to be a second home for many generations of students and staff of MIEM and HSE University. Practically every space in the camp was created by students. In 2017, the camp was closed; its history could have ended there, but a year ago, the university’s student organisations and the Student Council appealed to Rector Anisimov with a request to revive the camp. He supported the initiative. On July 1, a renovated residential building for 80 people is opening at the camp. Ruza is almost ready to open its doors to new generations of students. But before that, some final work is needed to prepare the camp for opening.
Building new facilities (benches, pavilions)
Demolishing old buildings
Planting flowers, painting flower beds
Restoring sports grounds
Cleaning the beach
Tidying up the camp area
Students will work from Monday to Friday, for about six hours a day, during not very hot hours. In addition to work, they can take part in sports events, quests, games, and singalongs.
Payment: 1,500 roubles a day (before tax).
All HSE University students are invited to join the construction teams!