© HSE University
The results of HSE University’s Best Teachers vote for 2023 have been announced. As always, the winners were decided based on voting by current HSE University students, graduate surveys, and the results of the Student Research Paper Competition. More than 650 faculty members were named Best Teachers.
The university’s top teachers include faculty nominated as part of the Student Evaluation of Teaching for the last module, graduate monitoring, and a survey of master’s graduates who are continuing their studies on doctoral programmes. ‘Best Teacher’ status was also awarded to the academic supervisors of students who won in the Student Research Paper Competition (SRPC).
This year, instead of nominating two teachers involved in conducting workshops and practical training and two lecturers, voters were able to select four teachers regardless of their type of workload.
Some teachers enjoyed the unique honour of winning in several categories simultaneously: the student vote, graduate selection, and as the academic supervisors of SRPC winners. A total of 61 people were named in two categories at the same time. Three teachers managed to win in all three at once: Ekaterina Lapina-Kratasyuk (Institute of Media, Faculty of Creative Industries), Andrey Subochev (Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Economic Sciences), and Dina Shulyatieva (School of Philosophy and Cultural Studies, Faculty of Humanities).
In addition, many teachers were nominated by students of various faculties simultaneously. The most notable examples among them are Alexey Myachin (Department of Mathematics at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, voted for by students of the Graduate School of Business, the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs, and the Faculty of Social Sciences), Vladimir Kurenkov (Big Data and Information Retrieval School at the Faculty of Computer Science, voted for by students of the Faculty of Computer Science, the Faculty of Social Sciences, and the Faculty of Economic Sciences), and Stanislav Shaposhnikov (Faculty of Mathematics, voted for by students of the Faculty of Mathematics, the Faculty of Physics, and the Faculty of Economic Sciences).
First Vice Rector of HSE University
We have held the annual vote for HSE University’s Best Teachers, which has been a proud university tradition since 2011. This year, as in other recent years, we had a very high turnout: around 90% of students took part in the vote and supported their favourite teachers. In addition to student voting, a number of teachers were nominated based on surveys of graduates—reflecting their overall impression of their years spent studying. The work of teachers supervising student research was also recognised in cases of student success in the SRPC. I would like to congratulate all my colleagues who were awarded the honoured status of Best Teacher, and I wish them further success.