© HSE University
The key conference events will take place in Moscow from April 23–26, 2024.
Reports on new research results will be presented and discussed as part of the conference’s sections. These reports will be selected based on reviews of proposals. As always, the conference programme features expert discussions of the most pressing economic, social, internal and external issues in the format of roundtables and associated events.
Proposals to present a report at the conference can be submitted until Tuesday, January 23, 2024. Applications to attend the conference as a participant can be submitted until Friday, April 19, 2024. Further details are available on the conference website in the Participants section.
Conference events will be held in Russian or English. Certain discussions will be bilingual with simultaneous translation services provided.
With a view to involving participants from across Russia and all over the world, and in light of the fact that certain epidemiological restrictions may still be in effect, the 25th Yasin Conference will be held in a hybrid format.
As in previous years, a competitive selection process will be held for proposals submitted by young researchers from Russian regions wishing to take part in the conference.
Section reports must describe the results of original research carried out using contemporary methodologies. Report presentations should last 10–15 minutes.
The final deadline for filing proposals online via the HSE University Conference system is Tuesday, January 23, 2024.
Proposals must be accompanied by detailed abstracts. Please refer to the requirements for formatting report abstracts below:
Speakers may present one individual report and a maximum of two co-authored papers.
A team of authors for individual proposals registered with the HSE University conference system, may, up until January 23, 2024, inform the Programme Committee of their intentions to present reports during the same session. To this end, they need to fill in a group application form via the HSE University Conference system.
Group proposals should satisfy the following requirements:
Please note that proposals to present a single report with co-authors are individual and are not considered group proposals.
After the submission of applications on respective conference topics, one or several sections will be formed for each area. Each section, in turn, is divided into sessions, each of which lasts 90 minutes. Proposals regarding the format of sessions may be considered by the Programme Committee when reviewing proposals and drawing up the conference programme.
Detailed information on registration, topics, and fees is available on the conference website.