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Let’s Monitor Together: HSE in the Foreign Press, Blogs and Social Media

HSE is starting a survey of articles and comments made by staff in the foreign press, in blogs and social media. The Office of Public Relations and Online Media will gather the data.

Traditionally the results of academic research have been published in journals and until recently this has been practically the only channel of communication in the academic community. That is all changing now, says HSE Vice Rector Maria Yudkevich. Researchers talk about their achievements on different platforms, including social networks and blogs and there are often fierce discussions in major media outlets about research results and academic publications.

This is happening partly because barriers between the academic and non-academic world are fading away and society is asking itself where and how academic knowledge is applied.

Researchers are talking more and more to ordinary people who in their turn, try to comprehend what academics are doing, particularly when they study the social sphere.

HSE researchers and teaching staff are highly visible in the Russian media. But we are only making our first steps onto the global media market. However our work gets more and more mentions in foreign newspapers, news websites and professional blogs. This is important for the university as it helps us understand how we are perceived abroad, outside academic circles.

Unfortunately, it’s impossible to monitor these publications automatically. We depend on colleagues to tell us about them. We would like to know about publications in foreign media and on professional blogs where HSE research results and expertise are mentioned and about newspaper and online columns by staff.

We are interested in the following types of publication:

  • socio-political,
  • business,
  • popular science,
  • general interest,
  • blogs of any kind  

ATTENTION: for this surveywe are NOT concerned with articles in academic journals or publications.

The monitoring will include materials which have been published in the last month.

Please send information to the following address: sciencepress@hse.ru



May 26, 2015