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HSE has opened its own video studio named ‘OneButton’, launched as part of university’s active development of additional education and blended learning. The new studio helps lecturers to record content for local online courses on their own, without the help of cameramen and editors.
April 28, 2018
This year, HSE has supported the founding of 10 new Research and Teaching Laboratories (RTLs) in various fields, from cognitive psychology and computer modeling, to international justice and economics of sports.
April 25, 2018
On April 14 and 15, the HSE Football Cup 2018, an intercampus futsal tournament, took place in St. Petersburg. Five teams came together from across the HSE campuses to fight to be crowned champions. The guests of the championship didn’t forget the cultural programme: they walked, attended excursions, and enjoyed some great weather.
April 24, 2018
The award ceremony for the ‘Iron Egg’ Student Award, which has recognized the projects that HSE students consider the most relevant and outstanding for 14 years, will be held at the end of the current academic year. Students will get a chance to vote online, first to nominate, and then select the winners.
April 13, 2018
Following a directive of the Rector, key HSE staff members have been awarded ‘Acknowledgement’ medals for their high professional achievements and devotion to work.
April 04, 2018
Starting from June 30th, 2018, HSE undergraduate, master’s and doctoral students will be able to get their state scholarships only with their MIR cards. There are three ways to reissue the card, including getting a unique HSE-designed card. The main thing to remember is that, no matter which way you choose, you need to finalize everything by June 30th, 2018.
April 03, 2018
12 projects have been named as winners in the winter Student Project Contest. These projects will get financial and organizational support from HSE, and the initiatives will be implemented this year.
March 26, 2018
In this issue of The HSE Look, we are happy to present three different takes on a long-running format of professional discussion of research - a seminar series, so as to both bring additional attention to events themselves, as well as enable organizers to share their experience with other colleagues. We hope that you will enjoy reading about the seminars in History, Sociology and Philosophy at different HSE schools and campuses.
March 23, 2018
The Lunar New Year, or Tet holiday, is the most important and largest festival of the year in Vietnam. It is when the Vietnamese express their respects for their ancestors and welcome the lunar New Year with family members. The date of Tet is decided by the lunar calendar; this year, it began on Friday, February 16, and lasts until next weekend. 2018 is known as the year of the Golden Dog.
February 21, 2018
The HSE Social Committee and Student Councils at faculties have carried out a student survey on HSE cafeterias. The comments have been discussed at a meeting between students and catering providers at HSE buildings.
January 25, 2018
From January 9, HSE students will be able to get a 50 percent discount at VDNH rink upon presenting their social cards.
December 19, 2017
Students can apply for the Increased State Academic Scholarship (HSE Increased Academic Scholarship for noteworthy academic, research, social, cultural, creative, or athletic achievements) via LMS system by submitting the documents that confirm student achievements listed in a student e-portfolio.
December 18, 2017