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Our Students in Essex: First Impressions of the UK

Perm HSE continues to implement a joint MA programme with the University of Essex (UK) Business Strategies in a Global Environment.There are currently two Perm HSE students enrolled in the course – Marina Plyusnina and Yury Gritsiuk.

Marina Plyusnina shared her impressions of the course, and adapting to life in the UK.

‘There’s a lot to get used to — the different language, new people from all over the world, a different atmosphere and different approach to studies, and the fact that you’re in a breathtaking country. Of course, the first few days are spent finding your feet, getting to know people, finding your way around, settling in. But by the first week’s over you’re fine  the student council holds a lot of events that give you the chance to meet new people. Even if some events seem a bit simple at first (like a relay race across the city), its best to have fun and take part. It was during that race that I met cool people from various different countries, had some ice cream, gave a master class in pancake-making.

Essex University also offers a lot of different sporting activities  many do not require any additional payment. Students can play football, volleyball, basket-ball, badminton, table tennis etc. There are dance facilities and you can go swimming twice a week. Most sporting events take place in the stadium  and there’s a special student bus to get there. These events help you get into University life and feel at home. Even if you don’t know anyone to start with  just get involved in these events, believe me  you’re not the only one feeling like a ‘newbie’, you won’t regret it.’

November 18, 2014