Lectures, workshops, and national dances
January 27, 2020
All HSE students as well as their friends and dates are invited!
January 24, 2020
Holiday events and discounts
January 24, 2020
On January 25, the Wild Travel Festival will be held at the HSE building on Pokrovsky Boulevard. HSE Life shares why you should pull away from student worries and immerse yourself in adventure.
January 23, 2020
The troupe performed Nikolay Gogol’s 1831 play, May Night, or the Drowned Maiden
December 10, 2019
On December 17, a New Year's festival for children with disabilities attending the school of inclusive development, Dancing House, will be held at the HSE Cultural Centre. The event is organised with the support of the Centre for Local Community Relations. The charity event will include gifts for the kids, and HSE students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to donate.
December 03, 2019
Here we have put together a list of frequently asked quesitons about who can win the award, how the winners will be selected and how you can support the nominees
October 17, 2019
Trade and win HSE gear
August 28, 2019
On July 4, around 8,000 students at HSE University in Moscow and their friends will be celebrating their graduation in style, to the sounds of Russian band Little Big.
June 20, 2019
Therapy dogs will be available for HSE students at the HSE building on Khitrovka and Dubki Dormitory to help relieve stress before their exams.
June 18, 2019
HSE is not only about studies, science, deadlines, and regulations. HSE people also know how to relax and have fun! This summer we have prepared several interesting student trips, open to everyone. But don't delay – the number of places is limited!
May 31, 2019