The Iron Egg is awarded annually to the winners of a student vote for their contribution towards extracurricular life at the university. For the first time ever, this year’s awards ceremony took place in a new interactive format with students selecting not only the best student organisations, but also the best journalistic work by a university media source, as well as most active student.
June 05, 2018
The award ceremony for the ‘Iron Egg’ Student Award, which has recognized the projects that HSE students consider the most relevant and outstanding for 14 years, will be held at the end of the current academic year. Students will get a chance to vote online, first to nominate, and then select the winners.
April 13, 2018
The Iron Egg awarding ceremony has taken place at Sunlight Studio Hall club in Moscow. The prize is awarded to HSE students for their extracurricular initiatives.
December 18, 2015
On December 11th the annual student award ceremony Iron Egg, which recognizes the best student projects and achievements in extracurricular areas, will be held at HSE.
December 03, 2015