Alexander Tarasov, Head of the Department of Theoretical Economics, spoke about the new general courses in Economics
July 09, 2020
Andrei Kaplan, ICEF graduate, is currently studying for an MA at MIT. In this interview, he considers what he learned at HSE, how that helped prepare him for taking on a demanding postraduate course in a foreign country, and how US and Russian approaches to education – and jobseeking after graduation — vary.
January 13, 2015
In the June Research Papers in Economics (RePEc) ranking, the Higher School of Economics took the lead among Russian economics institutes and centres for the first time in the ranking’s history.
June 06, 2014
Sebastian Galiani, Professor of Economics at the University of Maryland and Visiting Professor at Universidad de San Andres, will deliver a public lecture at the HSE’s XV April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. In advance of next week's Conference, the HSE News Service conducted this brief interview with Professor Galiani.
March 26, 2014