The working hours of cafeterias at HSE buildings have been changed for the duration of the distance learning period
November 11, 2021
Five projects by HSE students and HSE Lyceum students succeed in the #SberZ and #SberStudent accelerators.
October 29, 2021
Irina Martusevich was appointed Vice Rector responsible for HSE University Staff, Elena Odoevskaya was appointed Vice Rector for coordinating HSE digital projects, and Dmitry Zemtsov was also appointed Vice Rector
October 29, 2021
He will be coordinating the work of the Office of Academic Research and be in charge of individual competition and evaluation procedures
October 28, 2021
Latest updates
October 27, 2021
Dr. Hyungjun Suh shares his ideas on what makes the Moscow metro special
October 26, 2021
Non-working days and transition to remote work for certain employees
October 22, 2021
How studies will be arranged from October 25 to December 30.
October 22, 2021
Results of a study by the HSE Centre for Institutional Research
October 19, 2021
Dr. Sawada on taking advantage of self-isolation during the lockdown
October 18, 2021
Digital Assistants provided digital support to an international online scientific conference held by the HSE Faculty of Law. The conference, titled ‘International Justice: Look into the Future’, took place despite a fire alarm and Zoom bombing
October 15, 2021