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The Global Youth Leadership Development Program provides a unique platform for global youth to gain a nuanced understanding of global affairs. The ultimate aim of the programme is to expose a diverse group of participants from around the world to the idea of leadership, which my fellow participants and I feel was successfully achieved during the pilot programme that was launched in India in March 2017 to meet the specific needs of the Global Youth Leaders.
April 07, 2017
The issue presents the results of studies on the awareness of library e-resources, and how the academic staff and students use the materials available. The authors also analysed what electronic databases of periodical publications are most in demand by reviewing reference lists provided in theses written by HSE students who graduated in 2016.
April 06, 2017
On March 9th-10th,  2017, the 10th annual conference ‘CleanEquity Monaco 2017’ was held in the Principality of Monaco. CleanEquity Monaco 2017 is a global forum for innovations in cleantech and environmental technologies, organized by the British consulting company Innovator Capital. The annual conference brings together about thirty of the world's best developers of future technologies.
March 27, 2017
Recently, the HSE student community has been disturbed by the news that from now on, authorization is required for wifi access at Dubki dormitory and Dormitory 8. Representatives of the Student Council met the staff of the Office of Information Technology and found out the details.
March 24, 2017
The Higher School of Economics has been declared the winner of the first Russian professional award for specialists in the field of science communications, ‘Communication Laboratory’, in the ‘Experiment’ category.
March 21, 2017
Are you enthusiastic, English-speaking and enrolled as an HSE student in 2017 and 2018? Then, you are welcome to join the FIFA Legacy Programme as an intern during the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™.
March 16, 2017
were raised for The Lighthouse children’s hospice during the HSE’s ‘Heroes among Us’ charity fair and the preceding Good Deed Month.
March 16, 2017
Anna Zotova, a recent graduate of the Master’s programme in Global Business at HSE Nizhny Novgorod, spent the second year of her studies in Austria where she has undertaken several internships, including her current one at Tannpapier, an international company that manufactures paper for cigarettes. The company has nine offices around the world, as well as a plant in Pskov, Russia.
March 15, 2017
In the fall semester HSE welcomed international and local students at the Culture Cafés hosted by Mexico, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, and even Santa Claus. Last week ESN HSE Moscow and International Students Support were happy to continue this tradition.
March 09, 2017
On March 4, 2017, the winter sports HSE Snow Fest took place at the Kant alpine skiing centre. The event was organized by the Extreme Sports Club together with HSE student associations and received support from the Student Initiative Support Centre.
March 07, 2017
On March 4, from 12 p.m to 5 p.m. HSE students will gather at the Orion slope, at the Kant ski resort (metro Nagornaya), for friendly snowboarding and skiing competitions. This is one of the events organized to celebrate the 25th anniversary of HSE’s founding. Visitors will have the chance to try the best slope in the sports resort free of charge – and can either bring their own skiing or snowboarding equipment or rent it on site.
February 28, 2017
In its 31st issue The HSE Look is focused on how HSE makes its education model more flexible in response to global transformations, and two Academic Supervisors of English-taught programmes (Dirk Meissner and Christian Fröhlich) share their experience in the interviews.  The HSE Look also presents a new series of public events for discussions on philosophy, and the upcoming visits of guest scholars and lecturers to different HSE departments, as well as the open call for funding their visits.
February 28, 2017