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Young Indians Encouraged to Apply for Courses at the HSE

The ‘Russian Education 2014’ exhibition in New Delhi invites young Indians to study at the HSE and other Russian universities.

According to RIA Novosti reporter Alexander Nevara, more than 300 young people visited the opening day of the 'Russian Education 2014' exhibition in the Indian capital, New Delhi on May 7th. Representatives from 11 universities chatted to them about higher education in Russia and explained the practicalities of studying there. Young Indians were encouraged to apply there and then for courses in Russian universities that they liked the look of.  

The HSE is one of 11 Russian universities hoping to develop long term and wide-ranging ties with Indian universities. The travelling exhibition which goes to Calcutta and Chenai this week is run by Russian and Indian organisations that promote education. Entry is free and young Indians can find out about courses and the cost of education in Russia and submit documents to start an application to any of the participating universities that interests them.  

For the Russian universities this isn’t just a student recruitment drive. The HSE and Kazan Federal Institute both stated their intentions to make agreements for teaching and student exchange programmes with Indian universities. They also plan to open state-of-the-art laboratories for Indian students and graduate researchers. The HSE’s Head of International Student recruitment Dmitri Savkin told RIA Novosti that the HSE can offer 40 Bachelor’s and 100 Master’s programmes. 'We attract students in all disciplines but the Indians have their priorities – they want to study business informatics, mathematics and software engineering. However, I think we will see more demand for social and human sciences too. I think young Indians will be attracted by the number of teachers with English at the HSE, and our many research centres and laboratories where the working language is English because staff are from all over the world.'

Young Indians could be particularly excited about courses at the new Yandex HSE Computer Science Faculty which will open in September to train specialists in Theoretical and Applied Computer Science and Software Engineering. 

Bright young Indians have always been interested in going to university in Russia. Russian universities have a reputation of being among the best in the world and their fees are not as high as American universities. 

May 08, 2014