A crisis of trust in Russian society keeps people from enjoying their lives to the full, said Anna Mironova, Research Intern of the HSE’s International Laboratory of Socio-Cultural Research and postgraduate student at the HSE Department of Demography in her presentation at the XV April International Conference.
April 28, 2014
Once out of secondary school, two thirds of young people leave their home villages and small towns never to come back. Russia's 'backwoods' are increasingly depopulated and rapidly ageing, notes Ilya Kashnitsky in his paper 'A Cohort Study of Intraregional Migration of Russian Youth' presented at the HSE's XV April Conference.
April 21, 2014
Julia Lajus, Associate Professor at HSE Faculty of History, Senior Researcher, Center for Historical Research, HSE St. Petersburg, Co-chair of the Master’s programme in Applied and Interdisciplinary History and Vice President of the European Society for Environmental History (ESEH), spoke to the HSE English language news Portal about the subject of a conference hosted by the Faculty of History at St. Petersburg campus on 28-29 March 'A Usable Past: Applied and Interdisciplinary History'.
April 16, 2014
A new weekly seminar, ‘Football Economics’, headed by Konstantin Sonin* and Dmitry Dagaev, is starting at the HSE. The first session will take place on January 28, 2014. The seminar aims to look at how the professional football industry works.
January 23, 2014