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Academic Activity

From 1979-1989 Yaroslav Kuzminov lectured in the Department of Economic Theory and History of Economic Thought at Moscow State University.  He is the author of a course in institutional economics.

In 2015, HSE Rector was recognized as the second most cited economist in Russia according to the Russian Science Citation Index.

In 1989,  Yaroslav Kuzminov founded the  'Istoki' ('Sources') almanac, the first periodical about Economic History and Economic Institutions in Russia.

Prof. Kuzminov is the author of more than 50 academic works published in Russia and abroad, as well as the co-author of over 10 monographs and textbooks on such subjects as institutional economics, economics of education and institutional reforms (see the list of selected publications).

He also is the Editor-in-Chief of the journal Voprosy Obrazovania (Educational Studies.Moscow) and member of the editorial boards at Voprosy Ekonomiki, the HSE Economic Journal, Foresight and STI Governance, and Mir Rossii (World of Russia).

One of the Rector’s main research activity is the study of education and educational policy.

Professional Interests

Administrative Reform and Civil Service ReformEconomics of educationInstitutional Economicseducational policyEconomics of CultureTheory of human capitalEducational systems

Publications (total and over the last 5 years)

  • Total number of papers – 66 (8)
  • Number of papers in Q1-Q2 – 11 (2)
  • Number of monographs (books) – 192 (86)
  • Number of chapters in monographs (books) – 48 (4)


    Academic supervisor of dissertations for a Candidate of Science degree:

    Androuschak G.V. Socio-economic differentiation of borrowers as a factor in student loan system development in Russia, 2009

    Podkolzina E.A. Institutionalization of bankruptcy in Russia: incentives and behaviour of bankruptcy procedure participants, 2007

    Yudkevich M.M. Measurement costs and institutions of markets for credence goods, 2003