Tag "higher education"

‘HSE Has Been Innovative from the Start’
Academic and expert in the field of international higher education, Philip Altbach has been made Honorary Professor in a ceremony at HSE. Altbach began to study education in his youth because he believed it was a key factor to bring about change in society. Is it possible to take educational models which work well in some countries and copy them in others without making any alterations? What good are rankings and what shouldn’t we sacrifice for their sake? What gives HSE its competitive edge? Professor Altbach talked about all these issues in an interview with HSE News.
More Universities Participating in 5-100 Project
On October 19, HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov took part in a meeting hosted by Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets at the Russian White House to discuss ways of improving the global competitiveness of Russian universities.
'The Most Important Thing during a Time of Crisis is to Give People an Opportunity to Learn'
In an interview with RBC, Yaroslav Kuzminov, Rector of the Higher School of Economics, speaks about the problems facing Russia’s economy, the Strategy 2020, the status of higher education and about the areas worth developing.
‘All of You Carry the Name of the University’
On June 3, HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov met in Berlin with university alumni living in Germany, as well as with students and postgraduate students who are currently continuing their studies at Humboldt University. During the meeting, they discussed the development of the Higher School of Economics, differences in approaches to the educational process at universities in Russia and Germany, and the prospect for transferring certain Western practices to the realities of Russia.
Turbulence Is a Time for Unexpected Solutions in Education
The state is getting rid of underperforming universities, backing large universities, and online courses are vying for market space. These and other trends were the subject for discussion on April 7 by participants in the plenary discussion 'Paths of the Development of the Professional and Higher Education in the Conditions of Economic Turbulence' at the XVI April International Research Conference on Economic and Social Development.
Universities in Russia and other BRICS countries will cooperate more actively with each other
On December 3, HSE marked ‘Russian Universities’ Day’ – an event held during the BRICS University summit organized by Times Higher Education and the 5/100 Project for Raising the Competitiveness of Russia’s Leading Universities among the top global higher education institutions.

Researching Higher Education in Russia Attracts Growing Number of Foreign Specialists
On October 16-18, the 5th International Conference of the Russian Association of Higher Education Researchers took place at the Higher School of Economics. The theme of this year's conference was 'Managing Differentiation in Rapidly Changing Higher Education Systems: Challenges and Opportunities.'
High Demand for Education in BRIC Countries is Built on a Lack of Respect for Trades
A HSE Institute of Education seminar on September 16, saw the launch of the Russian-language book Mass higher education – BRIC triumph? by HSE publishing house (the English original, University Expansion in a Changing Global Economy, Triumph of the BRICs? was published last year by Stanford University Press). Attendees discussed development trends in higher education.
Yaroslav Kuzminov: ‘Russia is on the Threshold of a Revolution in Higher Education’
At a panel session ‘Plan of Action to Improve Higher Education in Russia’ at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, the heads of leading Russian universities, HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov among them, and foreign experts discussed how to bring Russian universities to a new level.
Russia Holland Inter-University Partnership
On the 15th-16th November on the eve of the “Crossroads” Russia- Holland year, HSE held a conference for the directors of leading universities in Holland and Russia. “The Russia-Holland inter-university partnership: new academic and scientific priorities.”