Tag "mathematics"
Andrey Okounkov: 'Happiness Is not about Proving Something to Other People'
In the whole history of mathematics just 8 winners of the highest award - the Field Prize - have come from Russia. One of them is Andrey Okounkov, Academic Supervisor at theInternational Laboratory of Representation Theory and Mathematical Physics HSE. On Hamburg Reckoning, a weekly programme which broadcasts interviews with major academics on current Russian issues on the OTR TV channel, he talked about his journey from economics to mathematics, about the Faculty of Mathematics at HSE and what makes mathematicians happy.

‘Maths Teaches Modesty above All’
This year winner of the respected Fields medal Andrey Okounkov became the new head of HSE’s International Laboratory of Representation Theory and Mathematical Physics. In an interview for the HSE News website, he talked about what is a good mathematical education, why mathematicians are more free than other academics and what to tell people who find figures difficult.
Within Five Years of the Faculty’s Creation, the HSE Has Become the Leading Russian Institution of Higher Learning in Pure Mathematics
Several experts from the world’s leading universities make up the International Advisory Board at the HSE Faculty of Mathematics. They have inspected various aspects of the Faculty’s activity and summarized their findings in a recent report.