Tag "university rankings"
HSE Among 8 Russian Universities on THE Top-500
According to the Times Higher Education (THE) world university ranking, Higher School of Economics (HSE) entered its 401-500 range out of 980 institutions of higher learning throughout the world in 2016. In particular, HSE ranked No. 4 among the Russian universities on THE.
HSE Pushes ahead Six Places in QS EECA-2015 Ranking
The QS University Rankings: EECA 2015 was published on October 21, assessing universities from 30 countries in Emerging Europe and Central Asia for 150 coveted positions in the ranking. Over the past year, the Higher School of Economics has gone from 37th place to 31st, improving across all metrics.
HSE Improves its Standing in QS University and Facutly Ratings
For the first time the University is listed among the top Arts & Humanities institutions, taking 289th place globally and 3rd place within Russia. HSE was also ranked 2nd place within Russia in the sectoral ranking Social Sciences & Management, rising from 232nd place globally in 2014 to 161st place globally this year.