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HSE to Participate in Moscow Urban Forum

The Moscow Urban Forum will take place from July 17 to 22 at Zaryadye Park. This year’s topic is ‘Megacity of the Future: New Space for Living’. HSE representatives will participate in the forum’s expert discussions.

Education in Figures: 2018

The pocket data book contains main indicators characterising trends in the development of general, secondary vocational and higher education in the Russian Federation. It also covers key education indicators for the OECD countries. 

Gianni Infantino: ‘Sports Needs Knowledge and Professionals in Order to Move ahead’

What is required of modern sports managers and how do digital technologies influence its development? These issues were discussed by participants at the international conference ‘Sport and the Future’ organized by HSE, International Centre for Sports Studies (CIES), FIFA Master Alumni Association (FMA), and the Football Union of Russia (FUR).

HSE Staff Members Awarded Status of Tenured Professor

On June 22, several HSE lecturers and staff members were awarded the status of Tenured Professor at a meeting of HSE Academic Council. Sixteen HSE staff members became Distinguished Professors at the Higher School of Economics for the first time.

HSE Elaborates a New Development Programme

In June, an extraordinary Academic Council session, which attracted a broader range or HSE staff and students, discussed the key areas of the university’s development. The ideas expressed, as well as suggestions from faculties and campuses, will provide the basis for a new HSE development programme, which will be discussed at the university staff conference in autumn.

The State Should Set Rules that Help Charities

On June 8, the conference ‘The State and the Charities: Together to a Common Goal’ took place at HSE. It was organized together with the Agency of Social Information, the Donor Forum, and the Blagosfera Centre. Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister of Russia, and Tatyana Golikova, Vice Prime Minister of Russia, took part in the conference.

Illustration for news: Families and Private Investors Ready to Invest in Education

Families and Private Investors Ready to Invest in Education

Households and businesses in Russia are ready to invest in education, but this potential is not fully realized. The participants of the panel discussion ‘The Future of the Economy: Education as an Area of Investment’ that took place on May 25 at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum discussed why this happens. 

Illustration for news: HSE, MGSU and Prosveshcheniye to Develop New Schools Together

HSE, MGSU and Prosveshcheniye to Develop New Schools Together

On May 24, at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, top executives from HSE, the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU), and Prosveshcheniye Education Holding signed a cooperation agreement. As part of it, the two national research universities and Russia’s largest manufacturer of teaching and learning aids and services will suggest optimal spatial solutions for school buildings.

Breakthrough Solutions to Lead the Way in Modernizing Education

On April 11, the educational portion of the XIX April International Academic Conference featured a presentation and discussion of the paper ‘12 Solutions for New Education,’ which was prepared by the Higher School of Economics and the Centre for Strategic Development.

Entering the Big Data Era — Will Traditional Statistics Still Be in Demand?

The development of a national data management system, along with its architecture and ontology, is one of the key issues for a future cabinet, believes Maxim Akimov, First Deputy of the Chief of the Government Staff of the Russian Federation. A discussion at a panel session on data in the digital era at the XIX April International Academic Conference at HSE looked into the key challenges in regards to Russian statistics and possible responses to them.