‘HSE Offers Solutions Aimed at the Future…’
On November 27, the HSE Academic Council held an awards ceremony dedicated to the university’s 25th anniversary. The meeting saw the participation of representatives of the Russian President, members of government, and members of the Russian Federal Assembly. Governmental awards were given to a number of HSE employees for their tremendous accomplishments.
‘Russia’s Human Capital is Being Created Right Here’
On September 15, a gala event was held for the 20th anniversary of the International College of Economics and Finance (ICEF) at Pushkin Literary Museum in Moscow. In attendance were the heads of Higher School of Economics (HSE), the University of London (UoL) and London School of Economics (LSE), as well as representatives of academia and the business community, ICEF faculty and, of course, its alumni.
Prominent Scholars from University of London and London School of Economics Receive HSE Awards
On September 15, HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov awarded medals and honorary certificates to prominent scholars from the University of London (UoL) and the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) at the 20th anniversary celebration of the ICEF HSE.
‘You Showed Tenacity, and You Succeeded.’ How ICEF Celebrated Its 20th Anniversary
The HSE International College of Economics and Finance (ICEF) is turning 20. The college celebrated its anniversary with a gala at the Pushkin Museum and with its largest graduating class ever.
Evgeny Yasin and Yaroslav Kuzminov Receive State Awards
HSE Academic Supervisor Evgeny Yasin was awarded the P.A. Stolypin Medal (I Class) and HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov was awarded the P.A. Stolypin Medal (II Class). Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev awarded them on June 8, 2017.
On the new book by Ronald Inglehart
Cambridge University Press has accepted a new monograph by Ronald Inglehart for publication in early 2018. LCSR is prepares Russian-language translation of the book.

Evgeny Yasin Turns 83
HSE’s Academic Supervisor celebrated his birthday on May 7. This year Professor Yasin has even more reason to celebrate: not only is he celebrating his 83rd birthday, HSE is marking the 25th anniversary of its founding, and throughout that time, Professor Yasin has had the pleasure of being the university’s Academic Supervisor.

Fundraising for the HSE Law Expert Book Publication Began on Boomstarter
Ekaterina Alekseevskaya, a leading expert of HSE Institute of Legal Regulation, has launched a book publishing project "Monitoring the Rule of Law and Access to the Court" on a crowdfunding platform.
HSE Academic Supervisor and Rector Awarded Stolypin Medals
The corresponding directive, No. 662-r 'On Awards by the Government of the Russian Federation', was signed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on April 11, 2017.

April Conference Discusses Strategic Areas of Russia’s Development
The XVIII April International Academic Conference has kicked off at Higher School of Economics (HSE). This major event includes expert discussions on the strategic problems facing Russia’s economic and social development. Representatives of the Russian Government will take part in the debates.