List of Changes in Updated Data Files and Documentation
2023 - Updating data files on individuals of the RLMS HSE waves 22 - 27, 28 - 29, 30
Database updating is related to:
- The harmonization of the IDIND variable in individual data files which is carried out due to the annual reconciliation of the current wave and previous waves in which the respondent participated.
- Correction of birth dates, retirement dates and other data emerged as a result of processing new data.
- Addition to individual databases previously private variables for waves 28 and 29.
List of published previously non-public variables for waves 5 - 29 (XLSX, 59 Kb)
2022 - Updating data files on individuals of the RLMS HSE waves 10 - 13, 15, 16, 19 - 29
Database updating is related to:
- The harmonization of the IDIND variable in individual data files which is carried out due to the annual reconciliation of the current wave and previous waves in which the respondent participated.
- Correction of birth dates, retirement dates and other data emerged as a result of processing new data.
- Addition to individual databases previously private variables from modules "Leisure" and "Non-cognitive skills" for waves 22 and 25. List of published previously non-public variables for waves 5 - 29.
24 new variables on non-cognitive characteristics of respondents (uj445.1 - uj445.24) and 10 new variables on leisure (rm412.1a - rm413s) are published as separate files. List of published previously non-public variables for waves 5 - 29.
2021 - Update of data files of waves 5 - 28 of the HSE RLMS
Database updating is related to:
- The harmonization of the IDIND variable in individual and household data files which is carried out due to the annual reconciliation of the current wave and previous waves in which the respondent participated.
- Correction of birth dates, retirement dates and other data emerged as a result of processing new data.
36 new variables (uj464 - uj470.11) on non-cognitive characteristics of respondents are published as a separate file. List of published previously non-public variables for waves 5 - 29.
2021 - Summary and constructed variables data files update
- Identification numbers of individuals and relatives data files were updated, as well as the file of constructed variables on household income and expenses, due to the addition of data from the 28th wave of the RLMS HSE.
- The file of constructed variables on income and expenses has become available in a format compatible with STATA.
2020 - Summary and constructed variables data files update
Identification numbers of individuals and relatives data files were updated, as well as the file of constructed variables on household income and expenses, due to the addition of data from the 27th wave of the RLMS HSE.
2019 - Creation of the section "Summary data files" in russian
The section contains five new data files created on the basis of the main data to facilitate work with the RLMS HSE data arrays:
- A file containing a list of all respondents who have been interviewed at least once using an individual questionnaire, with each respondent's unique individual number and identification numbers in each wave.
- A file containing the list of unique initial household numbers for each household that participated in the RLMS HSE and the identification numbers of each household in each wave.
- A file containing the identification numbers of each relative for each respondent in each wave.
- An example of using a file with relatives' identification numbers.
- Constructed variables data file on household income and expenditure.
2018 - Update of data files of waves 5 - 25 of the RLMS HSE and some questionnaires
Database updating is related to:
- The harmonization of the IDIND variable in individual and household data files which is carried out due to the annual reconciliation of the current wave and previous waves in which the respondent participated.
- Correction of birth dates, retirement dates and other data emerged as a result of processing new data.
2016 - Update of data files of waves 5 - 23 of the RLMS HSE
- New variables were added in previous waves, such as IDIND, in the Family Questionnaire Card in the Household Data File.
- The REGION variable which was absent in waves 5 – 18 has been added to all data files – individual and household.
- Education and migration data where they were missing due to transitions in questionnaires were reconstructed from other data.
- The unique identification number of some respondents IDIND has been corrected.
- All variables related to the respondent's profession (main, second and additional jobs, professional courses, question J80, etc.) were coded. In addition the respondents' parents' professions were coded in ISCO-2008 codes. In the future we plan to code professions in the educational block J72 where this has not yet been done.
- The response options for the OCCUP variable have been improved. In some waves there are now two OCCUP variables, since occupations have been coded not only according to the ISCO-1998 codifier, but also according to the new ISCO-2008 codifier of occupations.
- Fixed errors in variable names.
- Errors in the answer options for some variables (which did not correspond to each other in different waves) were corrected. For example: in the education block in the data on individuals in the early waves in questions J72.*a – “Have you studied at courses, vocational schools, institutes, etc.”, the code “2” meant “No, I did not study,” and in later waves, the code “2” began to mean “Studying.”
- In individual data files additional cleaning of the education section (for the last waves), occupation codes (all waves) was carried out, and a number of other errors were corrected, also some variables in individual data were again “cleaned up”.
- A NUMBER OF PREVIOUSLY "PRIVATE" VARIABLES HAVE BEEN ADDED. For example, a block of questions about migrants in wave 17; a block of questions about maternity capital in waves 19 and 21; a block of questions about financial behavior and life strategies in wave 18; questions about trust in wave 21, as well as many others. List of published previously non-public variables for waves 5 - 29.
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