Earnings Inequality Declining in Russia
Earnings inequality in Russia has nearly halved over the past 25 years. The primary factors driving this trend are rising minimum wages, regional economic convergence, and shifts in the returns on education. Since 2019, a new phase of this process has been observed, with inequality continuing to decline but driven by entirely different mechanisms. These are the findings made by Anna Lukyanova, Assistant Professor at the HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences, in her new study. The results have been published in the Journal of the New Economic Association.
New variables of waves 13 - 32 RLMS HSE
A large array of previously closed variables from the 13 - 32 waves of HSE RLMS has been published. The published data covers a wide range of topics that we hope will give new impetus to your research.

Conscientious Individuals Live Longer
Personality traits such as conscientiousness, emotional stability, and an internal locus of control significantly influence one's lifestyle and longevity. Not only can personality traits influence health through beneficial and harmful habits but can also have a direct effect on mortality. Higher conscientiousness reduces the risk of premature death by 20 percentage points, while higher neuroticism increases it by 12 percentage points. These are the findings from a new study by Ksenia Rozhkova, Junior Research Fellow at the Laboratory for Labour Market Studies of the HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences.
32th Round RLMS-HSE Household and Individual Data for Stata
Household and Individual longitudinal data files for Stata in English are updated and now include data from 5 to 32th waves of RLMS-HSE (years 1994 - 2023).
32th Round RLMS-HSE Household and Individual Data for IBM SPSS Statistics
Household and Individual longitudinal data files for IBM SPSS Statistics and codebooks in English are updated and now include data from 5 to 32th waves of RLMS-HSE (years 1994 - 2023).
First International PhD Seminar
The first academic meeting organized by the Institute of Education took place on September 20th. The international seminar was devoted to various aspects of lifelong learning.
32th Round Questionnaires in English
32th round RLMS HSE questionnaires in English now are available for our users in section Data → Questionnaires.
Update of Longitudinal RLMS-HSE Dataset for Individuals
The dataset update caused by continuation of work on harmonization of RLMS-HSE data, that is, comparison and adjustment of answers to questions repeated in different waves for repeatedly participating respondents. This time harmonization affected variables in the blocks on education and professionfor 30th and 31th waves of the survey. The file have been updated in formats for IBM SPSS Statistics and STATA.
31th Round Individual Data for STATA
Individual longitudinal data file for STATA in English is updated and now include data from 5 - 31th waves of RLMS-HSE (years 1994 - 2022).
31th Round Individual Data for IBM SPSS Statistics
Individual longitudinal data file for IBM SPSS Statistics and codebook in English are updated and now include data from 5 - 31th waves of RLMS-HSE (years 1994 - 2022).