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Academic workshop “ Basic skills for working with RLMS-HSE ”

On Thursday, March 14, 2019, the Centre for Longitudinal Studies within the Institute for Social Policy presented Basic skills for working with RLMS-HSE.

The Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey - Higher School of Economics (RLMS-HSE) is almost the only longitudinal data base in Russia which contains the results of 26 rounds of nationally representative household surveys conducted on the basis of a probability stratified multi-stage area sampling. The data cover the period of 1994-2017.

A unique feature of the monitoring is the broad coverage of socio-economic indicators: the database gathers information about the structure of income and expenditures, wealth, employment structure, migration behavior, health status, family planning and educational behavior, social well-being etc. The monitoring survey includes a number of indicators that are not covered by state statistics.

The RLMS-HSE gives an opportunity of cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses. Panel data as a component of longitudinal survey suits for analysis of economic, behavior and social factors which influence Russian families’ life, their well-being, health and psychological status of adults and children.

The event is first of all devoted to those who are new to RLMS-HSE but willing to use the data. The speakers explored sample design features and household numbering; data structure, i.e. work with different data levels (individual, household, community). The discussion was focused on the specific problems which arised during the file preparation for longitudinal analysis and aimed on practice of methodical researches which should be conducted to get the maximum result for goals of publications, Bachelor or Master thesis preparation.

The workshop moderated by Polina Kozyreva, Director of the Centre for Longitudinal Studies within the Institute for Social Policy

Heard the presentation by Zlata Dorofeeva, Research Fellow at the same Center.

Alfia Nizamova, Chief Expert at the same Center, participated as a panelist.