30th Round RLMS-HSE Household Data
Household longitudinal data file for IBM SPSS Statistics and codebook in English are updated and now include data from 30th wave of RLMS-HSE (year 2021).
The RLMS-HSE data contain cross-sectional and panel cases. In 2021 the survey includes 6770 household cases, where 4840 constitute the representative sample.
There are about 2000 variables included in the data file such as: household composition; kinship structure; living conditions and housing ownership; durables possession; expenditures structure; types and sources of income; subsidies and benefits, savings, utility payments and their amounts; land parcels availability and use, private subsidiary farming: use and production structure.
You can download the new dataset in the section "Data" → "Data Downloads". Household codebook with 30th round variables is also available in the section "Analysis Tools and Documentation" → "Codebooks".