28th Round Questionnaires
28th round of RLMS HSE questionnaires in english now are available for our users in section Data → Questionnaires.
Few Innovators among State Employees in Russia
Science and culture with up to 8% workplace innovators are the only exceptions.
‘To Be One of the Top Three Nominees Alongside Two Amazing Scholars Was Already Unexpected’
At the 2019 Golden HSE Award Ceremony, which coincided with HSE’s 27th anniversary, Aigul Mavletova, an HSE alumna and Associate Professor of the Faculty of Social Sciences, was awarded the Golden Citation Award. HSE News Service spoke with the recipient of the ‘award within an award’ about why research is more interesting than business.
‘Cognitive Skills Are not Sufficient to Be Successful in Labour Market’
This September, HSE – St. Petersburg hosted the 3rd IZA/HSE University Workshop on Skills and Preferences and Labor Market Outcomes in Post-Transition and Emerging Economies. HSE News Service spoke with Professor Lehmann, co-organizer of the workshop, about human capital, the importance of cognitive and noncognitive skills, and the challenges empirical labour economists encounter when studying these issues in post-transition and emerging economies.
Seminar «The Effect of Health Shocks on Labour Market Outcomes in Russia»
A joint research seminar of the Laboratory for Labour Market Studies and the Centre for Labour Market Studies was held at HSE on October 15, 2019.
Trapped by a Flexible Schedule:
The Pain and Price of Freelance Work
27th Round Individual Data
Longitudinal individual file now include data from 27th wave of RLMS-HSE (year 2018). You can download it in the section "Data" → "Data Downloads". Corresponding codebook was also updated. It is available in the section "Analysis Tools and Documentation" → "Codebooks".