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30th Round Questionnaires in English

30th round RLMS HSE questionnaires in English now are available for our users in section Data → Questionnaires.

Illustration for news: One in Ten Women in Russia Is Single

One in Ten Women in Russia Is Single

Most often, this happens not in the pursuit of personal fulfilment, but is forced, after the loss of a partner

Illustration for news: Number of Employees Receiving Social Benefits and Guarantees in Russia Has Decreased

Number of Employees Receiving Social Benefits and Guarantees in Russia Has Decreased

People with higher salaries — executives and qualified professionals — enjoy better benefits, such as free healthcare, vacation packages and other preferences

Illustration for news: Training Video "Basic Introduction to RLMS-HSE"

Training Video "Basic Introduction to RLMS-HSE"

The RLMS-HSE team in partnership with the Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center continues the series of training videos on working with monitoring data. The new introductory video covers most of the frequently asked questions. It will help to understand the main questions regarding the survey sample, navigate the structure of the questionnaires and the structure of data files. The video examines the main identifiers and constructed variables and draws the special attention of users to missing values.

Longitudinal RLMS-HSE Data for Stata

Especially for our users working with RLMS-HSE data in English in the Stata program we have prepared longitudinal databases in the '.dta' format, covering the study period from 1994 to 2020.

29th Round RLMS-HSE Household Data

Household longitudinal data file for IBM SPSS Statistics now include data from 29th wave of RLMS-HSE (year 2020).

Illustration for news: HSE University Researchers Investigate Why Many Russians Oppose Vaccination

HSE University Researchers Investigate Why Many Russians Oppose Vaccination

Despite the risks associated with COVID-19 infection, many Russians either refuse to get vaccinated or are uncertain and hesitant about the practice. The factors behind these views are the subject of research by Yana Roshchina, Leading Research Fellow of the HSE University Centre for Longitudinal Studies and Senior Research Fellow of the Laboratory for Studies in Economic Sociology (LSES); Sergey Roshchin, Head of the Laboratory for Labour Market Studies (LLMS) and HSE University Vice Rector; and Ksenia Rozhkova, Junior Research Fellow at LLMS. The results of the study were presented at an LSES seminar.

Illustration for news: The 'Curse' Is Lifted: Schooling Does Increase Graduates’ Salaries

The 'Curse' Is Lifted: Schooling Does Increase Graduates’ Salaries

Although many studies point to highly negative trends in returns to education in Russia, the situation actually appears to be stable and without any signs of overinvestment in human capital. This is the conclusion of Rostislav Kapeliushnikov, Deputy Director of the HSE Centre for Labour Market Studies and Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The results of his research are presented in the article ‘Returns to Education in Russia: Nowhere Below?’ published in the 8th issue of the Voprosy Ekonomiky journal.

Video Footage on the V International RLMS HSE Users Conference

Video materials on the V International RLMS HSE Users Conference held on May 28-29, 2021 within the framework of a grant provided by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (No. grant: 075-15-2020-928) with the support of the National Center for Interdisciplinary Research of Human Potentialnow are available on our YouTube Channel. You can get aquainted with the Conference Program here.

Illustration for news: CInSt Research Seminar "Child Penalty in Russia: Evidence from an Event Study": Marko Vladisavljevic (Institute of Economic Sciences (IES) and Foundation for the Advancement of Economics (FREN))

CInSt Research Seminar "Child Penalty in Russia: Evidence from an Event Study": Marko Vladisavljevic (Institute of Economic Sciences (IES) and Foundation for the Advancement of Economics (FREN))

Marko Vladisavljevic (Institute of Economic Sciences (IES) and Foundation for the Advancement of Economics (FREN)) has presented his co-authored paper "Child Penalty in Russia: Evidence from an Event Study" on regular CInSt research seminar on May, 27