32th Round Questionnaires in English
32th round RLMS HSE questionnaires in English now are available for our users in section Data → Questionnaires.
31th Round Individual Data for STATA
Individual longitudinal data file for STATA in English is updated and now include data from 5 - 31th waves of RLMS-HSE (years 1994 - 2022).
31th Round Individual Data for IBM SPSS Statistics
Individual longitudinal data file for IBM SPSS Statistics and codebook in English are updated and now include data from 5 - 31th waves of RLMS-HSE (years 1994 - 2022).
31th Round RLMS-HSE Household Data for STATA
Household longitudinal data file for STATA in English is updated and now include data from 5 - 31th waves of RLMS-HSE (years 1994 - 2022).
31th Round RLMS-HSE Household Data for IBM SPSS Statistics
Household longitudinal data file for IBM SPSS Statistics and codebook in English are updated and now include data from 5 - 31th waves of RLMS-HSE (years 1994 - 2022).
31th Round Questionnaires in English
31th round RLMS HSE questionnaires in English now are available for our users in section Data → Questionnaires.

6th International Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey of HSE User Conference
On May 26–27 the Sixth International Conference of Data Users of the HSE Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS HSE) was held on the basis of the Moscow campus of the Higher School of Economics.

The 1st seminar «Estimation of the Impact of Macroshocks on Socio-Economic Processes in the Regions of Russia»
The first seminar of the Scientific and Study Group «Assessing the impact of macroshocks on socio-economic processes in the regions of Russia» took place on January 27. The participants spoke about their scientific plans that they plan to implement within the framework of the RSG. The general project for 2023 is called «Evaluation of the impact of macroshocks on socio-economic processes in the regions of Russia (on the example of COVID-19)».
Updated Longitudinal Databases in English for Stata
For our users who works with RLMS-HSE data in English in Stata we have prepared updated longitudinal household and individual databases covering the study period from 1994 to 2021 in the '.dta' format.
30th Round RLMS-HSE Household Data
Household longitudinal data file for IBM SPSS Statistics and codebook in English are updated and now include data from 30th wave of RLMS-HSE (year 2021).