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Call for student applications to participate in the competition for the Advanced State Academic Scholarship awarded for noteworthy academic, scientific, social, sports, cultural, and creative achievements

Event ended

Applications can be generated using documents previously uploaded to the student portfolio in the LMS (before completing the application).

From May 20 to June 10, 2024 (inclusive), student applications will be accepted for the Advanced State Academic Scholarship (ISAS) and an increased scholarship awarded by the HSE University for special achievements in academic, scientific research, sports, social, and cultural activities.

Full-time students in all years of study, whether in state-funded positions or HSE University-funded positions, are eligible to participate in the scholarship competition.

The competition considers applicants' achievements during their study at HSE University between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024.
Only documented achievements that include the applicant's full name in the documents will be taken into account.

The types of documents that can confirm an applicant's achievements and the criteria for evaluating these activities are specified in the Regulations on Scholarship Provision and Appendices 1–5 to the Regulations on Scholarship Provision.

To participate in the competition, all records of achievements must be uploaded to the ‘Student Portfolio’ module in the LMS, along with your indicated consent to have these documents processed.

Next, create an application using the ‘Application for ASAS’ module in the LMS system.

Copies of records documenting your achievements, which have already been uploaded to your portfolio in the LMS, must be attached to the application. The documents must be of good quality.

You can find the portfolio on the homepage of your personal account in the LMS, located in the upper right corner, where your full name is indicated.

Instructions for submitting applications for ASAS (PDF, 967 Kb) 

ATTENTION! Applications for an increased scholarship based on academic performance SHOULD NOT BE SUBMITTED. The grades of all HSE students are available to the Commission. The Commission will select the most successful students based on their academic performance demonstrated in the previous two semesters (2023/2024 academic year, modules 1–4).

No more than 10% of all ADVANCED SCHOLARSHIP recipients are eligible to receive an increased scholarship based on academic performance. The selection criteria are specified in Appendix No. 2 to the Regulations on Scholarships.

An advanced scholarship will be awarded to the winners of the competition who have scored the most points for the period from July 1 to December 31, 2024 (graduate students for the period from July 1 to August 11, 2024, provided that a postgraduate leave [vacation] has been issued for this period). The points for determining the winners of the competition and the list of winners will be approved by the University Scholarship Commission in July–August 2024. When granting an increased scholarship in all areas of the competition, academic performance for modules 3–4 of the 2023/2024 academic year will be taken into account.

Applications must be submitted separately for each area of ​​the competition. Based on the Commission’s decision, a scholarship may be awarded in one or more areas of the competition.

Pay attention to the correct definition of your activity:

Educational activities. A victory/prize in an academic competition (Olympiad) is an educational activity, while achievements in leadership/creative competitions are not taken into account. Online events are also not considered. In the case of several achievements in one event, only the one with the best result will be evaluated.

Cultural and creative activities. Cultural AND CREATIVE (NOT cultural and social!) activities: creation of works of literature and art, participation in creative competitions. The documents must include the applicant’s full name. Similar activities will be combined and assessed as ‘systematic participation in activities.’ When submitting authored work, the competition participant must be indicated as its author with reliable confirmation of this fact.

Social activities. In social activities, the status of ‘event/project manager’ refers to a student who independently organises an event, recruits a ‘staff’ of volunteers and assigns tasks to them. This student cannot have another student as their supervisor, but can be mentored by a university employee.
Incorrectly completed applications will not be considered. You cannot apply both as a volunteer and as a leader for the same event simultaneously.

Scientific activities. Only those scientific achievements for which evaluation criteria have been approved will be considered. When submitting participation in Student Research Papers Competitions (SRPC), not conducted by HSE University, please provide a link to the competition or attach its Regulations.

Sports activities. Requirements for documents are specified in Appendix 5.
Photographs of participants in a sports competition are not considered as an achievement.

The scholarship amount for each area and the distribution of scholarship levels are established by the Commission upon completion of the review and assessment of applications. The assessment results are final and not subject to appeal, with the exception of technical errors that may have occurred during the evaluation of applications, which will be considered within three days following the posting of final scores.

All questions can be addressed to the Centre for Scholarships and Charitable Programmes at scholarship@hse.ru.

Do not delay completing your portfolio and submitting your application!

Details about the competition for ASAS.

Based on the results of the current competition, scholarships will be awarded for the period from July 1 to December 31, 2024 (for graduates for the period from July 1 to August 11, 2024, if postgraduate leave [vacation] has been issued).

Do not wait until the final application day to complete your paperwork!

Be sure to participate and aim to win!