Conferences 2007
Scientific Conference "Graduates Career Development Management"
October 10-12, 2007
This conference was held within the project "Graduates career development monitoring" in the framework of the HSE Innovational educational programme "Building a system of competences for innovations in business and public administration" (the National project "Education").
For more information:
International Conference "Non-comercial Sector: Economics, Law, and Managment"
May 25-26, 2007
International Conference "Frontiers of Macroeconomics and International Economics"
May 24-26, 2007
The conference is organized by the Centre for Advanced Studies with joint research collaboration of the New Economic School and the Higher School of Economics.
For more information:
International Conference "National Russian Corpus in Teaching Humanities"
April 19–20, 2007
The HSE Department of Language and Literature is the organizer of the conference.
International Conference "EU – Russia co-operation: Priorities for Science and Technology 2007-2013"
February 22, 2007
The conference was undertaken in joint collaboration with the Russian Ministry for Education and Science and the European Commission. More than 200 representatives of leading research and scientific units, Russian and European universities took part in the meeting.
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