Conferences 2010
The 3rd Annual Academic Conference ‘Contemporary Problems in Management: Exploring the Boundaries'
November 23-25, 2010
The Conference is organized by the HSE Faculty of Management together with Harvard Business Review - Russia. The forum aims at supporting young researchers in the field of management.
French-Russian Scientific Conference ‘Economy, Politics, Society: New Challenges and Opportunities’
October 28-29, 2010
The Conference was organized by the Higher School of Economics together with a consortium of French universities including Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne and Paris West Nanterre la Défense with the support of the French Embassy in Russia and as part of the Year of Russia in France and that of France in Russia. The forum brought together 250 Russian and 150 French participants and was the largest scientific meeting in the history of French-Russian relations.
October 26-28, 2010
The goal of the conference is educational and methodological development of Business Informatics. The conference will bring together researchers and practitioners for discussing innovative aspects of Business Informatics in Russian Federation.
10th International Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare
July 21-24, 2010
The Samuel P. Huntington Memorial Symposium on Culture, Cultural Change and Economic Development
May 24-26, 2010
The symposium is organized in coordination with the Cultural Change Institute (Prof. Lawrence Harrison) and the Higher School of Economics (Prof. Evgeny Yasin). The Symposium is a follow-up to the 1999 «Cultural Values and Human Progress» Symposium at Harvard, which was co-organized by Prof. Samuel Huntington and Prof. Lawrence Harrison.
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